
The canons of the mother of God for every day. Charter about reading the correct canons Canon of the mother of God for every day

Saturday 1

Canon of the Most Holy Theotokos

Song 1

Irmos: Israel got rid of bitter work, pass through the impassable, as if it were dry, the enemy was drowned in vain, a song as if to a benefactor sings to God, a miracle worker with a high muscle, as if glorified.

Chorus: Holy Mother of God, save us.

Horrified by fear, the All Tsaritsa, the angelic ruling authority, praising Thee: all mind sings goodness for the sake of, like the Mother of the Creator: for all praise you have excelled the rank, having given birth to Christ.

Weep with fierce misfortunes and coldness from the enemy, accursed, with a cry I invite you: from above, stretch out Thy hand, O One Rich One, that deliver me, and live comfortably in Thy prayers.

Glory: Secret souls of transgressions with the healing of mercy, heal and calm down the fleshly striving, Mother of God: and return a copy of enemies and arrows, thrust deep into their hearts.

And now: To pasture the ancient consume the murderous womb of Devich, giving birth to Christ: the same all creation rejoices now, Most Pure One, as if revived: and according to it sings Thy Son and God.

Song 3

Irmos: Let the mortal boast not in wisdom and wealth, but in the faith of the Lord, Orthodox crying out to Christ to God and singing always: on the stone of Thy commandments, establish me, Master.

Jacob the great on the way, sometimes sleeping, descending from above by the ladder, Virgin, seeing the angels on earth, marveling: and having opened, the prescription is revealed to you the Door of Heaven.

By temporary restraint, the accursed az was thrown into misfortune, and by the storms of misfortune we torment, alas, to me, crying: Even God who gave birth to and lifted up our horn, save me with Thy prayers.

Glory: From Heaven, I stretched out my strong hand, about all the King Christ, sensual and mental, my Jesus, put the heads of enemies under the nose, the Mother of God Thy faithful preachers.

And now: Isaiah of old, cleanse yourself with the coal of the Spirit, from Thy womb, the Most-Rich Virgin, Crying out to the Son to be born: last times, for my sake, without a husband you gave birth.

Song 4

Irmos: Hearing in ancient times Habakkuk, Christ, Thy wonderful hearing and crying out in fear: God will come from the south, and the Holy One from the mountain in the forest, save the anointed one: glory to Thy strength, O Lord.

To you, as if I exist in women, I am red and honored, as if I ascend from the wilderness, and I carry the Branch of Christ into my hand, Mother of God, preimagining the world leader, crying: Glory to Your strength, Lord.

Incline Thy ear, Good One, and see my bitterness and misfortune multiply: to Thee, O Lady, I stretched out my soulful eye and bow my knee with a cry, now I pray, crying out: confuse me with misfortunes.

Glory: The invincible Wall of Thee is led, attracted by prayer, Your slave now I run to You and the arrows of the enemy, as if I were infantile, were ineffective, O Rich One! The same and rejoicing crying: glory, Bogomati, Thy Christmas.

And now: the Power of the Most High Thee, Virgin, fall by the influx of the Divine Spirit: and then, more than the nature of everyone, the Lord, having revived the flesh and soul, return to Himself, being in that nature.

Song 5

Irmos: Shine forth Thy necessary light, Christ, in the hearts of those who truly sing Thee, give us peace more than our minds. Thus, from the night of ignorance to the day, Thy light flows, I praise Thee, Human-loving.

Divine Thee, having seen sometimes Daniel, the insect mountain, Praying, crying out manifested, sitting from Thee with the stone of the Theotokos, Christ the Savior of the world: Him, faithful, now honoring, we praise Thee, God-bride.

The accursed misfortune has fallen by many, praying with sickness and crying of the heart, Your servant is cold, crying: Deliver, Mother of God, from the troubles that have gained my humility and joy, fulfill me.

Glory: Calm down my ferocious abyss with your strong prayer, Good, Even more passions besides giving birth to Christ: as if in the silence of my soul now alive, other things of my life, I sing Thee in songs.

And now: what kind of God do you bear on your hand, rtsy? And kako doishi, all things with the hand of the One who contains, O Virgin, All-blessed, I, speech, I remain pure and after Christmas, I have given birth to Christ God, I have taken away Adam's duty and foremother.

Song 6

Irmos: All from immeasurable passions I contain and a whale of evil despair: but raise me out of corruption, God, as before Jonah, and by faith grant me dispassion, as if in the voice of praise and salvation I will devour Ti in the spirit.

Sitting did not recede from the bowels of the Parent into the bowels of the Mother's Son, the Pre-flying: finally, Who was with the Father before, from the womb of the Virgin to prodigy, all to a life that was immortal, erecting with inexpressible goodness.

Beligami is bound by enemies from bitterness, into hellish faith, alas to me, he has fallen down: but come, appear from Heaven, the Pure Divine Lady, who raise me with Thy prayers, Thy servant, and give a helping hand to the one who sings Thy Divine Christmas.

Glory: A cursed sink into the moat of perdition, and the beast hugs me: but to the Lady, turn away the stones with Your prayers, and observe Your servant unharmed: You wore the cornerstone, Christ, in Your valleys.

And now: Anciently prophet Divine face proclaim, Virgin, Thy Nativity images: shining cloud Thy, and candlestick, and stamnu, and meal, and Heavenly dew, bread, manna and door, throne, and chamber, rod, paradise, like Christ giving birth.

Same: Lord have mercy, thrice... Glory, and now

Sedalen Voice 1:

Mother of Thy God is all holy, the Virgin is truly, and at Christmas appeared, with love resorting to Your goodness: You are imams, sinners, an intercessor, and You are a banner of salvation in misfortune, Alone All-blameless.

Canto 7

Irmos: Proidosh, like a palace, an unbearable cave flame, like for piety, sometimes the children of the saint appeared to reality, and, according to a chanting song, sing a song: Fathers, God, blessed art.

Walking the Eternal with Thy impassable doors, All Tsaritsa, Thy signs are pure and safe, and clean even for Christmas: the same cry: our father, God, blessed art.

I was thrown into the cave, I scorched with seven-numbered flames from soul-killing troubles: but rain itself with dew, the Good Lady, with Your prayers, but cry: God is blessed our father.

Glory: I grew old by passions, and by unrelenting misfortunes and sorrows, and having reached the west of my life, I was not involved in virtue, I was consumed by laziness, crying to Ty, Lady: earthly consolation, have mercy on me!

And now: the Trinity in Unity is Orthodox in the Orthodox service, Ty, Mother of the Virgin Pure, like God who gave birth to the flesh preaching earthly, we sing divinely: our father, God, blessed art.

Canto 8

Irmos: The miracle of the natural display is the image of a fire-bearing cave of ancient times: the fire did not burn down the young children, Christ revealing the seedless Divine Christmas from the Virgin. By this let us sing in praise: may all creation bless the Lord and exalt for ever.

The all-true word of the priest, imagine Thy Christmas, Virgin: verily, Thou didst give birth to the Word of God, and the false is not open, Virgin, God will pass in image. Therefore, rejoicing at the Mother of God Ty, according to our duty, we sing and exalt the Pure One for all ages.

Thorns that have grown into my soul ineffectively, fell with Divine fire, Most Pure One, and with Your prayers for virtue, raise me up, create fruitfulness for Christ: from You, the flower grows ever alive, adorn all creation. By this we venerate The Mother of God Pure for all ages.

Glory: Healing in the fierce ones, Mother of God, give me painlessly soon: falling into sorrows and troubles, I call upon the accursed Your speed in intercession, sobbing. The same, Most Pure One, hasten to take me out and save me from all torment, as if with blessing I sing Your Christmas.

And now: Imagine a rod of Aaron's vegetation for Ancient Thee, Virgo: You have given birth to the One as a vegetation without a husband, Heavenly now, you have received rain in your womb. Thus rejoicing, Ty theotokos in accordance with our duty we sing and exalt for all eternity.

Canto 9

Irmos: The unspeakable sacrament of the Virgin: Heaven is Bo this, and the Cherubim throne, and the luminous palace appeared to Christ God the Almighty. This very piously, like the Mother of God we magnify.

Gloriously Virgin sacrament: It cannot contain the heavenly greatness, but it is in the womb. At the same time, when we come together, we please Yu, and we truly magnify with joy.

Seeing Thee is the One, as if above heaven, the dawn of God, not deep, the cherubic throne, and the palace and the bed are holy, praising the earthly, we magnify Christ our God: You have given birth to Him from pure loins.

Glory: Near me there are many sorrows, and evil adversity is now attacking, diseases and fierce sins have plunged into the pit. The same I pray to Thee in the sorrow of my soul, the Most Holy Theotokos, to find deliverance for me.

And now: Calm the world, Christ, with the prayers of the Pure Divine Lady, overthrowing the strength of the enemy and arranging an unspeakable silence for us, keep it forever.

The canons of the Mother of God

on every day.

Orthodox St. Tikhon University for the Humanities
Moscow, 2006.

In this book, the reader is offered the collected together canons of the Mother of God, read at Compline. These canons, which are a masterpiece of Orthodox hymnography, traditionally constitute a special liturgical book - the Theotokos. In modern Russian tradition, the Theotokos is usually fully included in the Octoikh. In the Greek Churches, it is still widely used both in worship and in home prayer. The present edition, in addition to the canons of the Mother of God themselves for each day, arranged according to the voices and days of the week, includes the rites of Small Compline and General Moleben, during which these canons should be sung. The appendices also contain the Akathist and selected canons of the Mother of God on various occasions (some of them have been translated into Church Slavonic for the first time), as well as articles on the use of the canons of the Mother of God in Orthodox worship and on the history of the Theotokos as an independent book.


Canons of the Mother of God 1

on every day. one

Editorial 4

Services of Compline and Prayer 6

Order of Lesser Supper 6

Common prayer service to the Mother of God 12



Saturday 19

Week 22

Monday 25

Tuesday 28

Wednesday 31

Thursday 34

Heels 37


Saturday 39

Week 42

Monday 45

Tuesday 48

Wednesday 51

Thursday 53

Friday 56


Saturday 59

Week 61

Monday 64

Tuesday 67

Wednesday 70

Thursday 72

Heels 75


Saturday 78

Week 81

Monday 83

Tuesday 86

Wednesday 89

Thursday 91

Friday 94


Saturday 97

Week 99

Monday 102

Tuesday 104

Wednesday 107

Thursday 109

Heels 111


Saturday 114

Week 116

Monday 119

Tuesday 121

Wednesday 124

Thursday 126

Heels 129


Saturday 131

Week 134

Monday 136

Tuesday 139

Wednesday 141

Thursday 144

Heels 146


Saturday 149

Week 151

Monday 154

Tuesday 157

Wednesday 159

Thursday 162

Heels 164


Small prayer canon
voice 8 167

Great prayer canon
voice 8 169

Blessed Virgin Mary 172

Canon of Saturday Akathist
voice 4 177

Canon thanksgiving
on Saturday Akathist
voice 4 180

Canon of prayer
voice 8 183

Canon thanksgiving
voice 8 185

Deacon Mikhail Zheltov.
Canons of the Mother of God 188

A.A. Lukashevich, A.A. Turilov.
The History of the Liturgical Book 191


From the editorial board

The satiety of Thy praises, Virgo,

there are no godly faithful
[The pious faithful cannot fully
be satisfied with your praises, O Virgin!] 1.
As every Orthodox Christian knows, not a single day - neither in cell nor in public worship - is complete without prayers and chants in honor of the Queen of Heaven, the Most Holy Virgin Mary. Everyone from their own experience knows how warmth becomes in the heart when you sincerely pray to the Mother of God, how quickly and mercifully Her answer to our prayers is. Whether in sorrowful circumstances of life, in adversity and troubles - or, conversely, in moments of our joy and thanksgiving - the Mother of God is always close to us and does not leave without Her mercies anyone who falls at Her most pure feet.

Prayer appeals to the Mother of God are filled with all Orthodox divine services - in addition to the services specially dedicated to Her, special concluding chants - "theotokos" - contain chants (songs of the canons, cycles of stichera, dismissal troparia, sedals, lamps, etc.) in almost all other services on a variety of topics. Without exception, all the canons to the saints glorify the Most Pure One as the final troparion of each song. The home prayer of Orthodox Christians is also permeated with an appeal to Her: rules for the morning and “for those who are to sleep”, adherence to Holy Communion with the canon of the Mother of God, and for especially zealous pilgrims - and the Akathist in Her honor. In their considerable part, the creations of saints and God-enlightened men, these texts, as a rule, are "heard" by church people and enjoy their constant love.

However, few know that the statute prescribed Orthodox Church The liturgical circle, in addition to other chants of the Theotokos, contains another, special and very extensive layer of canons and sedals addressed to the Mother of God - these are the Theotokos chants of Little Compline. The daily celebration of Little Compline in the church has almost disappeared from the parish (and, alas, even the monastery) practice, therefore, not only the majority of the laity, but also many clergy and clergymen know almost nothing about these chants of the Theotokos. But the liturgical charter prescribes daily the rite of small compulsion - and, with rare exceptions, the corresponding canon of the Mother of God should be performed at compulsion.

There are 56 such canons - for each evening a special Theotokos canon is laid down according to the voice and day of the week - which means that now pious laity are deprived of the opportunity to hear in the church nearly sixty wonderful creations of ancient hymns. Moreover, it is not so easy to add these canons to the domestic prayer rule - the skill of using liturgical books (in this case, Octoechos) at home is too rare today. It is sad that these remarkable - both in antiquity, and in beauty, and in rich theological content - texts for the most part remain unknown to church people in Russia. In Greece, for example, the book, which collected the canons of the Mother of God - Theotokaryon (Theotokos), never disappeared either from church or household use and is very popular among believers today. Unfortunately, in our home prayer practice, the place of these canons was taken by numerous akathists, infinitely inferior to them in spiritual content and artistic merit. The overwhelming majority of them cannot be compared with their prototype - the first Akathist to the Mother of God. Many such akathists, compiled in the last two centuries, endlessly repeat each other, sin with scarcity and stereotyped content, stylistic primitiveness, and often with direct errors - both theological and linguistic.

Of course, this situation cannot be changed overnight: it is not superficial at all and is associated with a whole range of historical and spiritual reasons. And yet it will be gratifying if a modern believer gets the opportunity to pray together with the Church, not in spite of, but in accordance with its thousand-year charter. To join your voice and your heart to the church statutory prayer, finding in this the like-mindedness and unity with the holy fathers, who inspired the Mother of God, and with our ancestors, who for centuries turned to Her intercession with the same words - what could be more valuable for this To whom is the liturgical heritage of the Church dear?

To promote the wider use by believers of the treasures of Orthodox hymnography - this is the purpose of this book. Its main part consisted of fifty-six canons of the Mother of God (for every day of the week for eight tones), intended for daily performance at Little Compline. In modern practice, they are published as part of the Octoichus and are placed in it in different places; the present edition follows the ancient tradition, when all these canons are brought together in one book - the Theotokos - which makes it easier to read them at home ("in private"). For those who are zealous about the statutory prayer, the book contains the ranks of Lesser Compline and General Moleben, which, according to the liturgical statute, should include these canons.

In addition to this, the main part, the Appendices contain several more canons of the Mother of God. The first are two "prayer" canons - and if the first, the so-called "small prayer" (beginning of the first troparion: Many content in misfortune...), well known to everyone from various editions of the Prayer Book, in which this canon is placed almost always, then the second, the so-called "great prayer" canon (beginning of the first troparion: Sorrowful guidance...), is known to the Russian believers only by the appendix to the Octoichus, although in the Greek editions of the Prayer Book it is always cited together with the first. Further in the Appendices are the Akathist of the Mother of God and two canons from the service of the Sabbath of the Akathist (or Praise to the Mother of God), the first of which is given according to the Triodi, and the second is translated from Greek into Church Slavonic specifically for this publication. Finally, the Appendices are completed by two more canons of the Mother of God, also translated into Church Slavonic for the first time. These canons belong to the pen of the outstanding song-makers of the Eastern Church - the Monk Theodore the Studite and Saint John the Euchaite - and complement each other: if the canon of St. Theodora is intended to pray during various tribulations, then the canon of St. John - thanksgiving, read after deliverance from sorrow or healing from illness.

For those who wish to more clearly understand the place of the canons of the Mother of God in the structure of Orthodox public worship and domestic rule, as well as to learn the history of the Theotokos as a liturgical book, at the end of this publication there are corresponding articles by Deacon Mikhail Zheltov and A. A. Lukashevich and A. A. Turilov ...

In conclusion, we express the hope that this publication will serve not only to familiarize oneself with the treasures of Orthodox hymnography, but also become a handbook of daily prayer for all its readers, serving their spiritual growth in line with the church tradition. To all those who flow to the life-giving springs of ancient prayers, we wish quick and grace-filled help from the One to Whom they are turned.

^ Most Holy Theotokos, do not leave us sinners!

Holy Mother of God, save us!


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Theotokos. The canons of the Mother of God for every day


















Notes Introduction Contents Editorial note A. A. Lukashevich, a. A. Turilov The Theotokos: The History of the Divine Service Book Canons of the Mother of God in the Daily Rule of Prayer of the Orthodox Christian This book offers the reader the canons of the Mother of God, brought together, read at Compline. These canons, which are a masterpiece of Orthodox hymnography, traditionally constitute a special liturgical book - the Theotokos. In modern Russian tradition, the Theotokos is usually fully included in the Octoikh. In the Greek Churches, it is still widely used both in worship and in home prayer.

This edition, in addition to the canons of the Mother of God themselves for each day, arranged according to the voices and days of the week, includes the rites of small compulsion and general prayer, during which these canons should be sung. The appendices also contain the Akathist and selected canons of the Mother of God on various occasions (some of them have been translated into Church Slavonic for the first time), as well as articles on the use of the canons of the Mother of God in Orthodox worship and on the history of the Mother of God as an independent book.


The satiety of Thy praises, Virgo, does not exist for the pious faithful at all [The pious faithful cannot be fully satisfied with the praises of Thee, O Virgin!] 1.

As every Orthodox Christian knows, not a single day - neither in a cell nor in a public service - is complete without prayers and chants in honor of the Queen of Heaven, the Most Holy Virgin Mary. Everyone from their own experience knows how warmth becomes in the heart when you sincerely pray to the Mother of God, how quickly and mercifully Her answer to our prayers is. Whether in sorrowful circumstances of life, in adversity and troubles - or, conversely, in moments of our joy and thanksgiving - the Mother of God is always close to us and does not leave without Her mercies anyone who falls at Her most pure feet.

Prayer appeals to the Mother of God are filled with all Orthodox divine services - in addition to the services specially dedicated to Her, special concluding chants - "theotokos" - contain chants (songs of the canons, cycles of stichera, dismissal troparia, sedals, lamps, etc.) in almost all other services on a variety of topics. Without exception, all the canons to the saints glorify the Most Pure One as the final troparion of each song.

The home prayer of Orthodox Christians is also permeated with an appeal to Her:

rules for the morning and "for the future sleep", following to Holy Communion with the prayer canon of the Mother of God, and for especially zealous pilgrims - and an Akathist in Her honor. In their considerable part, the creations of saints and God-enlightened men, these texts, as a rule, are "heard" by church people and enjoy their constant love.

However, few know that the liturgical circle prescribed by the charter of the Orthodox Church, in addition to other chants of the Theotokos, contains another, special and very extensive layer of canons and sedals addressed to the Mother of God - these are the Theotokos chants of Little Compline. The daily celebration of Little Compline in the church has almost disappeared from the parish (and, alas, even the monastery) practice, therefore, not only the majority of the laity, but also many clergy and clergymen know almost nothing about these chants of the Theotokos. But the liturgical charter prescribes daily the rite of small compulsion - and, with rare exceptions, the corresponding canon of the Mother of God should be performed at compulsion.

There are 56 such canons - for each evening a special Theotokos canon is laid down according to the voice and day of the week - which means that now pious laity are deprived of the opportunity to hear in the church nearly sixty wonderful creations of ancient hymns. Moreover, it is not so easy to add these canons to the domestic prayer rule - the skill of using liturgical books (in this case, Octoechos) at home is too rare today. It is sad that these remarkable - both in antiquity, and in beauty, and in rich theological content - texts for the most part remain unknown to church people in Russia. In Greece, for example, the book, which collected the canons of the Mother of God - Theotokaryon (Theotokos), never disappeared either from church or household use and is very popular among believers today. Unfortunately, in our home prayer practice, the place of these canons was taken by numerous akathists, infinitely inferior to them in spiritual content and artistic merit. The overwhelming majority of them cannot be compared with their prototype - the first Akathist to the Mother of God. Many such akathists, compiled in the last two centuries, endlessly repeat each other, sin with scarcity and stereotyped content, stylistic primitiveness, and often with direct errors - both theological and linguistic.

Of course, this situation cannot be changed overnight: it is not superficial at all and is associated with a whole range of historical and spiritual reasons. And yet it will be gratifying if a modern believer gets the opportunity to pray together with the Church, not in spite of, but in accordance with its thousand-year charter. To join your voice and your heart to the church statutory prayer, finding in this the like-mindedness and unity with the holy fathers, who inspired the Mother of God, and with our ancestors, who for centuries turned to Her intercession with the same words - what could be more valuable for this To whom is the liturgical heritage of the Church dear?

To promote the wider use by believers of the treasures of Orthodox hymnography - this is the purpose of this book. Its main part consisted of fifty-six canons of the Mother of God (for every day of the week for eight tones), intended for daily performance at Little Compline. In modern practice, they are published as part of the Octoichus and are placed in it in different places; the present edition follows the ancient tradition, when all these canons are brought together in one book - the Theotokos - which makes it easier to read them at home ("in private"). For those who are zealous about the statutory prayer, the book contains the ranks of Lesser Compline and General Moleben, which, according to the liturgical statute, should include these canons.

In addition to this, the main part, the Appendices contain several more canons of the Mother of God. The first are two "prayer" canons - and if the first, the so-called "small prayer" (the beginning of the first troparion: With many misfortunes ...), is well known to everyone from various editions of the Prayer Book, in which this canon is placed almost always, then the second, the so-called "great prayer" canon (beginning of the first troparion: Sorrowful guidance ...) is known to the Russian believers only by the appendix to the Octoichus, although in the Greek editions of the Prayer Book it is always cited together with the first. Further in the Appendices are the Akathist of the Mother of God and two canons from the service of the Sabbath of the Akathist (or Praise to the Mother of God), the first of which is given according to the Triodi, and the second is translated from Greek into Church Slavonic specifically for this publication. Finally, the Appendices are completed by two more canons of the Mother of God, also translated into Church Slavonic for the first time. These canons belong to the pen of the outstanding songmakers of the Eastern Church - the Monk Theodore the Studite and Saint John the Euchaite - and complement each other: if the canon of St.

Theodora is intended to pray during various tribulations, then the canon of St. John - thanksgiving, read after deliverance from sorrow or healing from illness.

For those who wish to more clearly understand the place of the canons of the Mother of God in the structure of Orthodox public worship and domestic rule, as well as to learn the history of the Theotokos as a liturgical book, at the end of this publication there are corresponding articles by Deacon Mikhail Zheltov and A. A. Lukashevich and A. A. Turilov ...

In conclusion, we express the hope that this publication will serve not only to familiarize oneself with the treasures of Orthodox hymnography, but also become a handbook of daily prayer for all its readers, serving their spiritual growth in line with the church tradition. To all those who flow to the life-giving springs of ancient prayers, we wish quick and grace-filled help from the One to Whom they are turned.

Most Holy Theotokos, do not leave us sinners!



Deacon Mikhail Zheltov Canons of the Mother of God Everyday prayer is an integral part of the spiritual life of every Christian. Already at the earliest time in the Church, a circle of daily services was established, the regular performance of which, on the one hand, obviously expresses that believers always walk with God 2 and remember Him, on the other hand, it is an inexhaustible source of grace-filled help for everyone.

In the Byzantine tradition, which the Orthodox Church follows and which has developed many centuries ago, the daily services include two large successions - Vespers and Matins, and seven small - four daytime hours (1st, 3rd, 6th and 9th) j), which are adjacent to the pictorial, and two night services (Compline and Midnight Office). Vespers and Matins, in comparison with other daily services, have a much more pronounced communal character. Together with the Divine Liturgy, Vespers and Matins form the usual circle of daily divine services in the church; other daily services can join Vespers, Matins and Liturgy, or can be read at home.

Reading at home the daytime hours (during the day), as well as Compline (before bedtime) and Midnight Office (after awakening from sleep) were common practice in Byzantium and Russia. Nowadays, such a practice is rare - in the daily life of pious Christians, the place of Compline and Midnight Office was taken by the prayer rules for future sleep and the morning. However, by their origin, these rules are nothing more than abbreviated Compline and Midnight Office with additional prayers.

The rules for future sleep and morning ones have been guiding Orthodox Christians in their prayer life for four centuries and constitute one of the many treasures of Church Tradition. But nevertheless, they are just a simplification of the tradition that arose already in the ancient Church and, from the point of view of the Church Statutes, should be observed even now - the tradition of the daily performance (in private or in the church) of Compline and Midnight Office (as well as other daily services).

This is how it is said in one of the manuscript collections of the 16th century that every person trained in the Word of God, that is, literacy and the Church Rite, should sing the services of the daily cycle 3 every day. from the collection of the Trinity-Sergius Lavra: “To every scholar of the Word of God it is said: to rule day and night singing, but as a priest - always ... Singing is always ruling, talking with God and with the saints; must be without blemish all the days of bringing it "(RKp.RGB.TSL-osn. 793 .. 107).

In particular, this also applies to Compline, which was kept in the practice of cell prayer to a greater extent than other daily services - according to many modern editions of the Prayer Book and the Service Book, Compline should be read together with the rule for Holy Communion, and this rule is observed by many in practice.

The liturgical Rule adopted now in the Orthodox Church knows two types of Compline - great and small. Great Compline, now performed only during Great Lent and on some special occasions, is much older than Small Compline and goes back to the Jerusalem and Palestinian liturgical tradition of the 4th-6th centuries. It has three parts; the first of them opens with six psalms4 and also includes biblical canto 5 from the book of the prophet Isaiah God is with us, the Creed, some troparia and prayers; the main content of the second and third parts are sequences of two psalms and one biblical song (in the second part, these are psalms 50 and 101 and the song of King Manasseh; in the third, psalms 69 and 142 and daily doxology).

Small Compline, which the Rule prescribes to be performed daily, except for the days of singing Great Compline and Bright Week6, is an abbreviation of the Great Compline - in fact, this is the third part of Great Compline, to which the 50th Psalm (at the beginning) and the Creed (after the daily praise) are added ). At the end of Small Compline, additional prayers can be read for future sleep7. In the already mentioned collection of the XVI century. from the collection of the Trinity-Sergius Lavra, Compline is given the following interpretation: "The feast-party [should] pet and pray to God that [He] may honor us without sin and honor the night and praise the prayers."

A striking feature of Compline, which distinguishes it from other services of small hours, is the presence of a hymnographic canon in Compline. The canon, one of the most extensive types of church chants, is the most important part of Matins, the longest of the services of the daily circle, which should begin late at night and end at dawn. How can one explain the presence of such a significant, both in volume and in content of the hymnographic text, not only in the rite of Matins, but also in the lesser compulsion compared to the Matins?

Compline inherited the canon from monastic pannichis - a special service at the beginning of the night, common among monasticism in Asia Minor in the 7th-12th centuries. At pannykhis, as at matins, the canon was sung - thus, the night in the services of the Asia Minor monasteries of the 7th-12th centuries.

began (on pannykhis) and ended (in the morning) with the singing of the canons. With distribution in the XIII-XIV centuries. everywhere in the Orthodox world of the Jerusalem charter, the monastic pannichis 8 (later known as the general prayer service, and the funeral version of the pannikhis - under the name of the panikhida) ceased to be considered an obligatory component of the daily circle 9, and its canon became part of Compline.

According to the liturgical Rule adopted now in the Orthodox Church, the canon of the Mother of God is sung every day at Compline, according to the voice of the Octoichus and the day of the week 10 - in other words, every evening the Rule prescribes the fulfillment of the canon of the Mother of God.

Although this prescription is rarely observed today, its trace remains in the general Russian practice of reading several canons before communion, including the canon of the Mother of God.

This book will be useful, first of all, for those who wish to more strictly fulfill the prescriptions of the Ustav - it contains all those canons of the Mother of God that should be sung every day at Compline, as well as several additional canons. There is a deep spiritual meaning in the daily singing of the canon of the Mother of God, for Her prayer to Her Son and our Savior has great power. Prayer invocations addressed to the Most Holy Theotokos, the intercessor and representative of Christians, are contained in every service, but detailed chants - canons - addressed to Her are found only in the successions of Matins on Wednesday, Friday and Sunday, as well as holidays. By prescribing the singing of the canons of the Mother of God every day at Compline, the Rite makes up for some of their lack at Matins.

The canons of the Mother of God, which are to be performed at Compline, constitute the content of a special book - the Theotokos11. The modern Russian editions of Oktoikh include the canons of the Theotokos in full, therefore, the editions of the Theotokos as a separate book are absent in the current Russian tradition; among the Greeks, on the contrary, the Theotokos is still published separately.

The main content of this book is made up of the canons of the Theotokos - a total of 56 canons arranged according to the voices, and within the voices - according to the days of the week. Thus, in order to find the canon laid down in the Rite, one should determine which voice goes according to Octoichus, and open the required day of the week in this voice (for example, to sing the canon at Compline on Wednesday evening, one should look for Wednesday evening in Octoichus). In this book, which repeats the traditional structure of the ancient Theotokos, the canons are also distributed according to the voices, and within the voices - according to the days of the week; to facilitate the statutory reading of them, the publication contains the adherence of small compulsion, and two options for its performance are given - with and without a priest.

Of course, the canons can be read without Compline, either separately or in conjunction with the sequencing of the prayer service12. The custom of singing prayers with the canons is very common in the Greek Churches. As noted above, the custom of performing the canon at Compline is genetically related to the ancient service of Pannychis, to which the following of the general prayer also goes back.

The ustav knows two canons of the Mother of God - the small and the great13, which must be performed at the prayer service; the statutory procedure for singing the common prayer service to the Mother of God is given in the Book of Hours and in the Octoikha14. The prayer service15 is also the rite of singing the canon of the Mother of God, which is published in modern editions of the Prayer Book. This book contains both canons of the Theotokos, as well as the full rite of the common prayer to the Mother of God, in two versions - for performing it with and without a priest. In addition to the canons of prayer, any other canon of the Mother of God can be sung during the prayer service, including those included in this book.

Along with the canons, the akathists are also an expanded church hymnographic form. The model for all of them is the Akathist of the Mother of God, well known to every Orthodox Christian16. According to the Rite, the Akathist is performed on the Sabbath of the Akathist, but many read it on other days as well - for example, among the pious Greeks it is a tradition to read it daily. For this reason, the Akathist is also included in this book; he is accompanied by two canons of the Akathist — the one given in the Lenten Triodion and another, much less well-known. If desired, the Akathist, together with his canon, can be performed as part of a prayer service; in this case the Akathist is sung according to the 6th canon instead of general kontakion Betrayal of Christians.

The text of the second canon of the Akathist in this book is based on the New Theotokos, very popular in the Greek Churches, compiled by St. Nicodemus Svyatogorets on the same principle as the traditional Theotokos, but containing a different set of canons.

In addition to this canon, from the canons of the New Theotokos, two more canons of the Mother of God, authorship of St. Theodore the Studite and St. John the Euchaite 17. These two canons complement each other: if the canon of St. Theodora is intended to pray during various tribulations, then the canon of St. John - after deliverance from sorrow or healing from illness.

In conclusion, we express the hope that this publication will serve the spiritual benefit of all its readers, and we wish all of them the grace-filled help of the Mother of God.

Holy Mother of God, save us!

A. A. Lukashevich, A. A. Turilov THE GOD: The history of the liturgical book18

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Sedalen Voice 1:

Mother of Thy God is all holy, the Virgin is truly, and at Christmas appeared, with love resorting to Your goodness: You are imams, sinners, an intercessor, and You are a banner of salvation in misfortune, Alone All-blameless.

Canto 7 Irmos: Proidosha, as if the palace, the cave flame is unbearable, and sometimes for piety, "the children of the sanctuary seemed to be in reality, and according to the chanting song, sing a song: Fathers, God, blessed be art."

Walking the Eternal with Thy impassable doors, All Tsaritsa, Thy signs are pure and safe, and clean even for Christmas: the same cry: our father, God, blessed art.

I was thrown into the cave, I scorched with seven-numbered flames from soul-killing troubles: but rain itself with dew, the Good Lady, with Your prayers, but cry: God is blessed our father.

Glory: I grew old by passions, and by unremitting misfortunes and sorrows, and having reached the west of my life, I was not involved in virtue, I was consumed by laziness, crying to Ty, the Lady:

consolation for the earthly, have mercy on me!

And now: the Trinity in Unity is Orthodox in the Orthodox service, Ty, Mother of the Virgin Pure, like God who gave birth to the flesh preaching earthly, we sing divinely: our father, God, blessed art.

Canto 8 Irmos: The miracle of the natural display of the image of a fire-bearing cave of ancient times: the fire did not fall off young children, Christ revealing the seedless Divine Christmas from the Virgin. By this let us sing in praise: may all creation bless the Lord and exalt for ever.

The all-true word of the priest, imagine Thy Christmas, Virgin: verily, Thou didst give birth to the Word of God, and the false is not open, Virgin, God will pass in image. Therefore, rejoicing at the Mother of God Ty, according to our duty, we sing and exalt the Pure One for all ages.

Thorns that have grown into my soul ineffectively, fell with Divine fire, Most Pure One, and with Your prayers for virtue, raise me up, create fruitfulness for Christ: from You, the flower grows ever alive, adorn all creation. By this we venerate The Mother of God Pure for all ages.

Glory: Healing in the fierce ones, Mother of God, give me painlessly soon: falling into sorrows and troubles, I call upon the accursed Your speed in intercession, sobbing. The same, Most Pure One, hasten to take me out and save me from all torment, as if with blessing I sing Your Christmas.

And now: Imagine a rod of Aaron's vegetation for Ancient Thee, Virgo: You have given birth to the One as a vegetation without a husband, Heavenly now, you have received rain in your womb. Thus rejoicing, Ty theotokos in accordance with our duty we sing and exalt for all eternity.

Canto 9 Irmos: The unspeakable sacrament of the Virgin: Heaven is Bo Sia, and the Cherubim throne, and the luminous palace appeared to Christ God the Almighty. This very piously, like the Mother of God we magnify.

Gloriously Virgin sacrament: It cannot contain the heavenly greatness, but it is in the womb.

At the same time, when we come together, we please Yu, and we truly magnify with joy.

Seeing Thee is the One, as if above heaven, the dawn of God, not deep, the cherubic throne, and the palace and the bed are holy, praising the earthly, we magnify Christ our God: You have given birth to Him from pure loins.

Glory: Near me there are many sorrows, and evil adversity is now attacking, diseases and fierce sins have plunged into the pit. The same I pray to Thee in the sorrow of my soul, the Most Holy Theotokos, to find deliverance for me.

And now: Calm the world, Christ, with the prayers of the Pure Divine Lady, overthrowing the strength of the enemy and arranging an unspeakable silence for us, keep it forever.


The canon of prayer to the Most Holy Theotokos Song 1 Irmos: Your victorious right hand, gloriously in the fortress will be glorified: that bo, Immortal, like the omnipotent, disgusting erasure, the Israelites have newly made the path of depth.

Thou artlessly conceived God and, more than nature, gave birth to Thou, the Most Pure Lady, earthly from the sins of the Traitor. I also pray to Thee: save many of my sins.

We are immersed in the abyss, with the troubles of uncountable sins and sorrows, but by Thy nourishment to the strong and by prayer, O All-blameless, direct to the silence of Divine repentance.

Glory: All my life to the Representative, save me from the troubles of many, but I sing a grateful voice to Ti, the Pure Mother of God, and destroy my future torment.

And now: A thorough finding and calamity of the storm, Mother of the All-Immaculate Redeemer and Creator and our God, the grace of salvation and cleansing is given to me.

The vision of Thy sight as a pure angel is sweet, but it is salutary for a man, but in the spirit of cunning, it is terrible: we revere and kiss the soul of the Mother of God by faith.

With the blood of Thy maidens, overlay Thy Flesh and the Lord: Pray for Him, the Most Immaculate, corrupting me with unreasonable deeds, preserve for unspeakable mercy.

Glory: Having acquired the guardian of life, and the wall is invincible, I pray that after death you will find the protection of Thee, and the invincible intercessor, who introduces to God and gives eternal glory and glory to God, Immaculate.

And now: Conception is seedless, Pure, and Christmas is imperishable: God is not born in reality, calling for human nature to fall. We sing the same praise to the Mother of God Ty true and existing.

The unrestrained striving for evil attracts me, by the action of the enemy and by the evil custom: help me, the Lady, but the not completely all-pernicious attack on me, forbidding me to repentance by death.

All the time of my life, they are living in evil fornication and fierce sores, and now these workers lead my humble soul: Virgin Mary, help me.

Glory: Hear my painful voice, All-Immaculate, I bring moaning from the depths of my soul, and the resolution of my debts, their deeds accursed by thought and senseless disposition.

And now: to the Lady of the world, the Theotokos, help me, the evil enemy swallows me with fierce memories and thoughts, they even separate me from God. Do not leave your mother to me, despise below.

Behold, I am ready for salvation, help with ties, for this sake of You I fall and I call with tears:

Mother of God, deliver me from alien arrows and future torture.

You are my fortress, You are praise and joy, and you are my guardians, and intercession, and refuge, and invincible protector, the Most Holy Theotokos. Also save your servant.

Glory: Desecrated my cursed soul with passions, sprinkle Thy Divine prayers, cleanse the Most Pure Theotokos, giving Thy salvation a bright garment.

And now: In my life, you are firmly nourished by me, anxiety rescuing many circumstances, and in my outcome, I pray to Thee, saving me, Mother of Christ God.

The unbridled Mother of God, the Most Pure, stretch your hand and wipe out from the depths of evil, even more passionate by the madness of the outgoing of my soul, most repentant.

Get up, Pure One, to help Thy servant, who has his hope with God, to Thy invincible intercession: let not the enemy, he could, take and destroy me.

Glory: Sick healer, falling uprising, sinning cleansing, the Mother of God, I pray to Thee, I fall with tears and call Ti: as it is strong, save me the perishing oneself.

And now: Have mercy, Pure, humble my soul, anticipate and capture, taking away from the evil one: he is trying to send evil for the sake of the abyss, even a lot of laziness has done.

Similar: Thy coffin, Savior:

All the prayer book to the Lord with the zeal of Thy, Pure, and we flow into Thy holy church, asking for help from Thee, Ever since: deliver us from demonic anger and torment, and the condemnation of the terrible, Thou blessed.

Canto 7 Irmos: You clever, Mother of God, we look at the faithfulness: as if you would save three youths, Exalted one, renew the world, in your womb God is whole, praiseworthy of the fathers and glorified.

Divine tabernacle, you were the Lady, as if you conceived in the womb and gave birth to this flesh, One blameless. Also save us passions, and diseases, and sorrows, and debts: as if we were strong and strong.

Rule, Pure, unbearable disease of my repentant soul, true joy, to the Lady, who give, solve the sins of my many a turbid wave: You are a refuge and deliverance.

Glory: All the hope of my salvation is in Thee: You will gain help, and we will not overcome the pillar, and the confirmation, and the firm announcement, and I hope to receive the Kingdom of You, Lady.

And now: the East of the sun was glory, the Pure Lady: by Thee, Appear, all the freedom of aphids and ignorance, and stinking sins. The same cry Ti: freedom outside me of darkness.

Canto 8 Irmos: In the caves of the children of Israel, as if in the crucible of the goodness of piety, I shine more purely than gold, saying: bless, all the works of the Lord, the Lord, sing and exalt for all eternity.

Passion embarrassment fiercely insults my soul, the Mother of God: the silence and peace of Yazhe of the Culprit, Pure, and the Giver of Born, observing in a peaceful dispensation, quietly fill me with joy and joy.

The intercessor of salvation appeared to us, the Mother of God, who gave birth to the Savior and the Lord of all.

The same I pray to Thee: grant my humble soul salvation, the chanting of Thee is true for all ages.

Glory: Even as the Creator of all and God, unspeakably conceived, save me from aphids and all temptation and let us cry out always: bless, all works, the Lord, sing and exalt Him forever.

And now: Thou hast given birth to all the Creator and God, O Virgin, whom you pray to grant cleansing of sins and deliverance from sorrows and misfortunes, and eternal fire, and condemnation, who ceaselessly praise Your glory.

Canto 9 Irmos: The image of Thy pure Nativity, the burning bush of display is unopened: and now we pray to the cave of fierce misfortunes to extinguish us, yes, Theotokos, we constantly magnify.

Mother of God, All-Immaculate, open your merciful womb to me and rescue me from the mouth of a mental wolf, who seeks to destroy and corrupt me: have mercy, I pray to Thee, do not return me ashamed, Thy servant.

All my life, awake a representative and a firm intercession: and deliver me, O All-Pure, many misfortunes and sorrows, and enemies of tongue pain, 28 but also save me from eternal fire.

Glory: One visit for the sick, One fallen correction to the Lady, One guide and entrance to God, One intercessor of eternal blessings, have mercy on me, one more than anyone who has sinned.

And now: Accept my tearful now prayer, and grant me the abandonment of sins and many evil ones, even so, to the Mother of God, the All-Singing Lady: to the end I am perishing from immeasurable despair.


Canon to the Most Holy Theotokos Song 1 Irmos: We sing the victory song to God, who has done wondrous miracles with a tall arm and saved Israel, as if glorified.

Chorus: Holy Mother of God, save us.

Most Pure Sacred, Rejoice, Virgin, adornment of angels and companion of the Spirit, Immaculate Bride of the Father without beginning and Mother of the Word of God.

You are the Queen, like the Tsarev Dshcha, vegetated, the Mother of God, and the King "God give birth to flesh, and you reign with Him.

Glory: Thy Christmas sings, David the singer, Isaiah surpasses Thy most pure womb, Mary the All-Pure, Christianity people glorify Thy Christmas.

And now: The Church preaches Thy Nativity, Virgin God the Bride, Orthodox teachings and things Divine, in the image of the incarnation of Thy Son he worships.

Canto 3 Irmos: The stone, whose building didn’t respect it, this one is at the forefront of the corner: that is the stone, on which Christ strengthens the Church, redeem the tongue from the south.

You have the glory of virginity, you have clothed yourself with the grace of the Holy Spirit, Most Pure Mary, the Mother of God appeared, a new sacrament and secret: how can you, having given birth to God in the flesh, virgin?

The deed, the hedgehog you have done, Lord, who will say? Even more cursed in sorrow to give birth to a child, the Son appeared to be Sey, and the female fallen nature rejoices in You, Boz, for the sake of the Mother of God.

Glory: The storm of sins is decided by You, the Most Pure Mary, the Mother of God, One. Thus, Ty, as a haven for the salvation of property, we praise the faithful, singing Your greatness.

And now: The ancient prophets glorified virginity, give birth to Thee Bezletnago in years, and even more so the word Word, One of the Trinity of Christ our God: His Church, Mother Pure, honors images.

Irmos: Seeking by the Spirit, the prophet Avvakum, the Word incarnation, you preached, crying:

always approach in the summer, knowing, always take the time, showing yourself: glory to your strength, Lord.

The Seventh-Light Mirror of the Divine Prophet sings Thy formations in a variety of ways: we, by the deed of the sign of Thy exodus, perceive Thy Mother of God, truly seeing things, we believe.

Worthy of Thee is truly Mother of God, Pure Virgin, honoring, we glorify the voice that brings you, in the law, and the prophet preached more: Rejoice, Delighted, the Lord is with You.

Glory: Behold the Divine Mountain, Yuzhe in the form of Habakkuk, the shade of virtues in reality, the Mother of God prosperity in the world, Even in the old days of apostasy, abie God approaching.

And now: Blessed is the language, Teaching the Pure One, who honor thy Christmas faithfully, by Orthodoxy and teaching and deeds, truly showing all the images of the incarnation of Thy Son.

Canto 5 Irmos: From the night, maturing, we praise Thee, Christ God, who have become impoverished for our sake, and the Cross and death by the flesh.

In secret, you have revealed to Thee the burning bush, Moses, the Mother of God:

material bo Thy false not scorched Deity "m.

To the Word of God, Thy Mother is glorious, to the Pure Mother of God, verbal we bring a blossoming gift to Thee, we believe in rejoicing about it.

Glory: Do not turn away praise from bad lips, Most Pure Mother of God: there is no more on earth, like Thee dares to praise in her possession.

And now: One is in two being, Who is born of the Virgin, like God is invisible and like a Man, by our will, for our sake, made like a man.

Canto 6 Irmos: Imitating the Prophet Jonah, crying: my belly, Better, free from aphids and save me, Savior of the world, calling: glory to Thee.

The Thou mind-bearer, Devo, and the seven-lighted prophet, showing the manifestation of the Spirit of action, glittering in Thee.

You were the Tree, Virgin, truly life-giving, who killed the flattering serpent with the fruit of Your flattering serpent, but who gave birth to Christ as a man.

Glory: The praise from bad lips is not red to you, Mother of our Pure God: but see my soul's desire, and receive this.

And now: Lawlessness staggers in the rumor of bitter unbelief, when only they see the righteous cathedrals kissing Your, Virgin, image.

Same: Lord have mercy, three times. Glory, and now Sedalen, voice 1.

Similar: Thy coffin:

Okormi ", Pure, cursed my life and gorges, All-blameless, soul that many sin crawled into the depths of destruction, and in the hour of my mortal freedom of slandering demons and a terrible response.

Adorned with virtues, God the bride, the glory and honor of virginity: the most reddened beauty is Thy kindness, truly, the Lord, the Lord, Bring the Divine Mother to Thyself.

Rod, Pure, righteousness you were, the most Honorable rod of the kingdom. The same Fruit of God the Word vegetated, Thou art a hedgehog and a miracle from afar, Aaron's rod is shown to be a prototype.

Glory: Having defiled the body and the word and the soul with many bodily passions, what kind of Thine, Pure One, will I sing beauty of virtues? I am perplexed and frightened: but wake me Yourself help with Your prayers.

And now: Thy, Christ, incarnation I honor the union, and to this image I worship God gloriously, as this God is eternal, from the Virgin, Man is indispensable, Himself is perfect in Both.

Canto 8 Irmos: His angels and all the armies are terrified of him, like the Creator and the Lord, sing praises to the priests, glorify, children, bless people and exalt forever.

Divine sanctification may God be praised, and he will rid the world of aphids. Rise up, all fallen sometimes ": Mary, give birth to Christ's salvation.

We sing to Thee, the Most Pure and Mother of God: and who does not praise Thee, the truly good, real hope of our souls? The same, Holy One, accept my prayer.

Glory: Make it clear today with the songs of faith: glorify, angels and men together, as the devil falls and despair: Mary will give us the Hope of salvation.

And now: I will not describe the Deity, do not lie to the blindness: it is simply invisible and unseen:

Imagining an image of the flesh, I bow down and by faith I glorify the Virgin who gave birth to the Lord.

Hail Mary, great miracle of all creation. Rejoice, daughter of David, but Mother of the Lord.

Rejoice, singing of Gabriel. Rejoice, refuge and confirmation, and help to all, Most Holy One, who are a sinner on earth.

Sings in the Divine Spirit and sings a song of thanks to Joachim, the wonderful and Divine Anna, as if she saw the Mother of the Creator on earth, and gave birth to Daughter Mary: Through the prayers of all, save us like God.

Glory: O Most Holy Virgin, Mother of the Most High God! Your Christmas on earth, salvation appears to be sinful and humble: I have been saved for you, having believed, but save me now and forever.

And now: the Word is incarnate, but we are immutable. The same I praise Him faithfully, in two, I am the One, the Hypostases of the One: I will truly praise Him as God and Man, preaching, I sing a song.


Canon of the Most Holy Theotokos Canto 1 Irmos: Your victorious right hand Divinely glorified in the fortress: that bo, Immortality, like the omnipotent, repulsive erase, the Israelites have newly made the way of depth.

Chorus: Holy Mother of God, save us.

Like the Heavenly Host, the Unknown One, the All-Immaculate Maiden, the flesh is pleasing to Thy flesh and renew the first that was decayed by crime.

With songs we will please, faithful, the Word of God, rather than the word of the Parent: This is the Most Immaculate, earthly adornment appears, and the representative of all those who sin was quick.

Glory: Thou art the most spacious of the heavens, the Creator more than all sorts of containing, Mother Ever-dear.

The same cry Ti: Deliver me the deathly tightness, God-delighted one.

And now: Give us help, Pure, overwhelmed by the plea of ​​sorrow, put down our enemies, sly exaltation, and grant all salvation piously glorifying Thee.

Canto 3 Irmos: The only knowledge of the human being is weakness and mercifully do not imagine, gird me from on high with strength, hedgehog to cry out to You: Holy is the animated Temple of Thy ineffable glory, Human-loving.

The full is exhausted for our sake, and the Beginning of the Beginning accepts the beginning from You, the Most Immaculate Virgin, and the Invisible is seen, and feed every kind of milk, renew people by providing.

Heal our contrition, Virgin Unmarried, Who gave birth to the Healer and the Lord, who showed us the entrance into life with grace: He also constantly pray to harbor and save Thy servants.

Glory: Even the One is the nature of man who deified, more than the nature of the All-Immaculate, to the One who was born out of you pray for our sins forgiveness and eternal joy, the Most Holy Virgin All-Singing.

And now: In laziness, having dependent on life, I fall to Ty, Most Pure One, raise my mind even to God with Thy prayers and enlighten all my blackened repentance with lordships, so I praise Thee with faith and love.

Canto 4 Irmos: Mount Thee, by the grace of God, set on the ground, discerning Habakkuk, seeing the eye, from Thee to withdraw to Israel, proclaiming to the Holy One, for our salvation and renewal.

We know the Divine Thy Chamber of the Word, flesh has dwelt in Nuzha, renew us who have decayed with passions. The same, Pure, we honor the Mother of God, and from Thee we glorify the one who is born.

The Virgin, the Word incarnate, and the oath that had swallowed into the human nature was exiled into Thy womb, and God-gloriously deify with Thy Divine intercourse, for this we sing for Thy sake.

Glory: Adam, the All-Immaculate, is lifted up to death, taste the fruit of perishable numbness: now, by Thy Christmas, he is revived and settles in the villages of Paradise. For this, for the sake of Thee, we chant according to duty.

And now: Thou hast ordained a mortal current, having given birth to immortality, the Source of Christ God, Pure.

Pray that God, grace-filled, who killed my soul, heal the passions and save me.

Canto 5 Irmos: Illuminated with the radiance of Thy coming, Christ, and illuminating the ends of the world with Thy Cross, illumine the hearts of the Orthodox singing Thy with the light of Thy Divine Mind.

Ascend from Thy womb the unsettled Sun, Immaculate, and consume the darkness to the end, and grasp the earth with the Divine minds: the same we faithfully sing of Thee.

Rejoice, the angelic voice cry out to Ty, Most Pure One: she gave birth to the Great Council of the Angel, and the Father is not original, the flesh of the former, Virgo, for the hedgehog to save man.

Glory: The Lord has settled, Pure, into Thy womb, And those who believe in Him piously delivered them to eat from the dominion of the enemy;

And now: O Lord of Thee put on me, come through, O All-blameless, and adore the decayed nature: but pray to Him, the Mother of God, naga of every sin, create me.

Canto 6 Irmos: The last abyss for us is the last abyss, do not deliver us, we are imputed like a slaughtering sheep, save your people, our God: you are the strength of the weak and correction.

Without the seed of God, you conceived in your womb, and at Christmas, the Virgin remained in a strange way All-blameless: with the same praises we glorify Thee, who are like Thee, Most Pure One, who will get rid of the oath.

Ladder, in the form of Jacob: the mountain near 29: the all-bright cloud of Divine light: The door, God alone will pass: blessed in wives, Thou art, the Most Immaculate.

Glory: Thou hast given birth to natural laws besides, an unskilful Virgin, the hypostatic Word of God, healing our contrition: He diligently pray to save us all.

And now: I brought my painful soul with transgressions, I cry to Ty, All-Holy, Most Glorious, Pure: heal and save me with Your intercession, as if I will sing and magnify Your intercession.

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Same: Lord have mercy, three times. Glory, and now Sedalen, voice 1.

Similar: Thy coffin:

Virgin and nourishing of the One from the Trinity, red paradise, earthly salvation, with Thy cover, save those who chant Thee piously: Thou didst give birth to Thou in the prophet of the Word who spoke, Thou didst wear Thou that Contains all things, like Mother Christ of God.

Canto 7 Irmos: By Thy child in the cave, Savior, I will not touch, below the cold is fire. Then three, as if the lips were one, poyahu and blessed, saying: blessed be God our father.

The Fatherless Father, the Son has dwelt in Your womb, we will accept the beginning: as if God would deliver us from the evil beginnings of darkness, the Pure Mother of God, who worship Him.

Permeated with Divine virtues, Pure Virgin, Thou gave birth to the Word, which was with the Father, which truly covered the heavens with virtues: He must pray to harbor us always.

Glory: Sanctify our thoughts, strengthen all souls, Mother of God, do good justification, for unspeakable mercy, Incarnated from You, Virgin, the Word of the Fatherless Father.

And now: Mortified by many passions, Immaculate One, revive my mind, and God-pleasing create strengthen me, so I magnify Thee as an intercessor for Christians and hope.

Canto 8 Irmos: The angels and all the armies are terrified of him, like the Creator and the Lord, sing, priests, glorify, youths, bless people, and exalt forever.

We are delivered, Most Immaculate, by Your vigilant prayers of all kinds of temptations to God, The Mother of God who knows the Blessed and Precious.

The Blessed One incarnates from Thee is divinely: pray to Him, O Most Pure One, to mortify the passions of my flesh and revive my soul, mortified by sins.

Glory: Healed the contrition of Adam, who gave birth to the Savior, the Most Pure, and God:

For him, pray heal the ulcers of my soul, which are incurably aching.

And now: Raise the one lying in the depths of evil, and even now fighting me, defeat the enemies, who have devoured my soul with unplaced sweets: do not despise me, Pure, but harbor and save me.

Canto 9 Irmos: Luminous cloud, in one of all is the Lord, like rain from heaven on a fleece, down, and incarnate for our sake, being a Man, Beginningless, we magnify everything, like the Mother of our Pure God.

Divine light who gave birth, Immaculate, shone from the Father, darkened my soul by the flattery of life and the former enemy of mockery, grant and grant the salvation of repentance to the light of repentance, Pure.

Light-shaped Ty cloud, Immaculate, Isaiah in vain, out of the worthless ascending to us the Righteous Sun, secretly enlighten the creature: for this sake of Thee we sing by faith, good in wives.

Glory: I am sin-loving, I live in laziness, and judges, Pure, unwashed tremble, observe me on a little, with Your Holy prayers, Virgin God the bride, uncondemned: yes, as a patron I please You always.

And now: Judgment trembles, Virgin, and the unforgettable eye of Your Son, having committed many sins on the earth. And for this, for the sake of You, I cry: All-Merciful Lady, help me, and the needs of that time are me uncondemned, Pure.


Canon to the Most Holy Theotokos Canto 1 Irmos: Israel got rid of bitter work, pass through the impassable, as if it were dry, the enemy was drowned in vain, a song as if to the Benefactor sings to God, a miraculous muscle high, as if glorified.

Chorus: Holy Mother of God, save us.

In despair I am possessed, I think of my sins a lot, and the Judge answers, the Lady Theotokos: but Thou be the Divine Intercessor, replacing Him with Thy mercy.

Christian refuge, falling correction, Most Pure One, sinning cleansing, deliver me from the fearful, and unquenchable fire, eternal life givers.

Glory: To Thee, Virgin, I am firm in all faithfulness through the bandage, I am firm, Thou didst give birth to God.

The same praises are all, Pure, We bless Thee, give birth to all earthlings according to Thy verb.

And now: Seeing on the Cross, Pure One, Thy Creator and Thy Son, All-Immaculate, filled with horror, say: what is it, Child, that a good wicked carriage has rewarded Ty to evil, have you already shown them?

Canto 3 Irmos: Formerly the age from the Father to the incorruptible Son, and in the last from the Virgin to the seedless Christ God incarnate let us cry out: Our horn is lifted up, Holy art, Lord.

All the prophets, The Mother of God, preach glorious images: we, who clearly see, believe and ask you to seize the Divine quietness.

To the mistress of the world, the salvation of the faithful and intercession, even from the depths of my heart, my sighing is permeated, Pure, and received the currents of tears, save me and save me by many associated with sin.

Glory: Having, like Mother, boldness, Pure, to Christ God, pray for us to get rid of the Hagarian children always and from all harm and praise Him gratefully, Most Immaculate, confirm.

And now: On the Cross, His Son was lifted up, seeing, the Most Pure One, crying out and crying out in heart disease, crying out: Son, what did You do to be satisfied with Your gifts of evilness and iniquity?

Canto 4 Irmos: Rod from the root of Jesse, and the Flower from him, Christ, from the Virgin, stagnated, from the mountain, praiseworthy, pristine thicket, you came incarnate from an inexperienced, immaterial and God, glory to Thy power, O Lord.

Cast down the severity of the wicked enemies and the treachery that is even brought to me: and rob me of Thy fortress, All-blameless, intact, always observing, whole and unshakable, glorifying Thy light.

I am defeated by the law of the flesh, I am iniquitous I do all-passionate iniquity, and in every possible way I dare not raise my eye, the Pure Lady, to You: but by the law of Your mercy, save me accursed, save me.

Glory: One Ty, faithful with God, the hope is not shameful and the intercession of the Imam, the Lady:

With your prayers, deliver us from all enemies: visible and invisible, harm and temptation, but we constantly praise Thee.

And now: Without His seed Thou hast given birth to a Son, Seeing, All-Immaculate, Nailed on the Cross, exclaiming motherly and crying, saying: What is it on Thee, My Son, do I see a new and glorious and unfathomable miracle?

Canto 5 Irmos: God of the world, Father of mercy, Great Council of Your Angel, you have sent us the world giving. We have instructed God to the light by that, maturing from the night, we glorify Thee, Human-loving.

I have a vigilant prayer and a warm intercession for Thy servants, having anticipated troubles in all the lives of life, Virgin, erase and save, so that we will not sacrifice sorrow and decay.

Mary, God's dwelling place, less the dwelling place of the former wicked spirits, who do bad deeds and who do the will madly, show God a dwelling place by repentance.

Glory: We are sick with fierce soul and body, together with sinful passions, heal like the merciful and Mother of God: You are truly great for the souls and body of the Physician gave birth to Christ, the inexhaustible Source of life.

And now: On the Tree of the Cross sees the Son, overflowing with the womb and crying out the Most Immaculate One: I am terrified of Your longsuffering, My Son, seeing a new miracle: how sinless is this, unrighteous endure death?

Canto 6 Irmos: From the womb of Jonah, the baby, a sea beast, yakob is pleasant: the Word that has taken over the Virgin, and received the flesh, has passed through the incorruptible: He will not suffer decay, Who has given birth to keep intact.

Thou art a mental friend of the world, the whole earth of the Deity that was sweet-smelling with good stench, the Most Holy Bride of God. With the same fragrance of Thy prayer, consume all malice from the soul of my sins.

The fire of sweets scorches me exceedingly, and offends my humble heart, and unlawfully mates me to wicked deeds. Try to extinguish this, Yazhe Divine Fire giving birth, my salvation, God-blessing.

Glory: Deliver us, O All-Singing Virgin, from misfortunes the enemy of the visible and invisible, and observe, Mother of God, by the Orthodox faith, truly the Mother of God of Thee who confess: Imashi is always powerful, as if giving birth to the Creator of every kind.

And now: Standing at the Cross and seeing Your Son, hanging in the flesh, Immaculate, inflame Your womb with sorrow and, pouring down tears, cry out: Child, truly Thy benevolence is indescribable to all men.

- & nbsp– & nbsp–

Same: Lord have mercy, three times. Glory, and now

Sedalen Voice 1:

The cloud of Thy Light of God I will carry "shnago, Virgin, and the ark, and the candlestick, and the stamna, and the insect mountain, the prophets to the prophetess, the Most Pure Maiden: from Thee, you will pass without seed into the last Christ, our God, as the Father will be pleased.

Canto 7 Irmos: By Thy child in the cave, Savior, I will not touch, below the cold is fire. Then three, as if the lips were one, poyahu and blessed, saying: blessed be God our father.

Desperate is me, Pure, of sin and fleshly sweets, and to the depths of perdition, perishing, in time, deliver me, Most Pure Lady, by Thy mercy.

Refuge and protection of the powers, and deliverance, to the Mother of God, to all the faithful: Thou be the guide to the Creator, deliverance of sins by the giver, Thy goodness.

Glory: You have consumed an oath, Pure, joy giving birth to Christ: You and the oath that came from sin came by me, grant by Thy power, Immaculate One, and grant me joy.

And now: Thy, Most Holy Pure, Thy servant, we always pray day and night, praying with a contrite thought: grant deliverance of our sins with Thy prayers.

Irmos: His angels and all the armies are also terrified, like the Creator and the Lord, sing, priests:

glorify, young people: bless people and exalt forever.

Get up, pre-empt, fight the enemies, who in vain confuse and offend us, manifest Your power, Holy Virgin, the helper of the world.

Thou hast saved the world from death and aphids by Thy Divine Nativity, O Good Virgin: and now by Thy prayers and us, who praise Thee, remove and save us from the passions.

Glory: Thy many and unspeakable, Virgin, fortress, many and invincible Divine bounties and benevolence. Also save us, verily those who call you.

And now: As the grapes are animated, Virgin, you have sprouted a ripe bunch for us, sprinkle "who has consumed the wine of abandonment and has dried up sinful drunkenness.

Canto 9 Irmos: Light-bearing cloud, in one of all is the Lord, like rain from heaven on a fleece, down and incarnate for our sake, being Man, Beginningless, we magnify everything like the Mother of our Pure God.

In the mori of life we ​​are overwhelmed with fleshly sweets, I fall to You and cry: have mercy on me, who flows to You, Lady, and give my hands of salvation, delivering the destructive depths.

I confess my sins to you, Virgo, to your face I present a student, and cry from my heart:

have mercy and harbor, Most Pure One, for we have placed firm hope in You with God.

Glory: You, who gave birth to the Creator and the Lord without a seed, I call from my soul and call diligently: You save me from the aphids of many sins and deliver the fire that is not extinguished, Most Holy Theotokos Good.

And now: Impenetrable door, heavenly gates, the path to be saved, the path of salvation, from the martyrs and prophets, with the righteous and saints, and with the Divine apostles pray, Pure, save our souls.


ON SATURDAY 31 the Canon of the Most Holy Theotokos, and from slander, in the sorrows and misfortunes of existence, let them sing Song 1 Irmos: Sometimes in the depths of the bed, "the pharaonic omnipotence is armed with power, the incarnate Word consumed all-evil sin: the glorified Lord, gloriously be glorified.

Chorus: Holy Mother of God, save us.

Even more comfortable for everyone, obedient in sorrow and helping in sorrow, the Good Mother of God, grace to petty Ty to the daring, the Lady, the grieving joy.

Having acquired abundant grace, the Lady, with Your bold prayer, gloriously remove me from adversity, Your poor servant, grieving joy.

Glory: Deliver from the enemies of the visible and invisible, we pray, those who are running to Thee, and destroy every council of those who fight us.

And now: Take away the reproach of man and slander from me, the Mother of God, I pray to Thee: yes, I earnestly praise the Lord, You have nourished Him.

Destroy the vain, all-chanted Mother of God, slander enemies: do not become scarce with Thy prayers, supply us, who praise Thee.

Look, O Pure One, with Your merciful eye, and deliver me from every slander of visible and invisible enemies, blinding the apple of their hair.

Glory: An evil attack of enemies, like a scorching fire, who always seek to destroy us, Virgo, extinguish with the dew of Your prayers.

And now: The inextinguishable lamp, the everlasting dawn, is possessed by my sorrow, enlighten with Thy prayers, who gave birth to the Sun of glory, Christ.

Canto 4 Irmos: Hearing, Lord, Thy voice, Thou didst announce it, the voice crying in the wilderness, as if Thou didst thunder over many waters, testify to Thy Son, all having come down the Spirit, cry out: Thou art Christ, God's wisdom and power.

You are a bridge to salvation, I will not sleep a prayer, we firmly pray for intercession: have mercy and see our unbearable sorrow, illness, sorrow, passion, and visit in good time, Mother of God, quick joy.

Do not take part in Esma, Lady, Your intercession in sorrows: the same and now help us soon, fiercely stretching out your hand to those who are overwhelmed, Pure: be merciful with our disease, Mother of God, give speedy joy.

Glory: You did not trust, Lady, in the lawless Thy, but you trusted in the tongue of the great-spoken, in the tongue of the human, always poured out enviously, unjustly shed the blood of the sincere, roaring: You, Pure, crush their jaws.

And now: Humble, Lady, the enemies lifted up by the neck of those who say great, counsel and evil, and the heart is taught to the evil by me all the days: give strength and victory to those who call You, Mother of God, give speedy joy.

Canto 5 Irmos: The coal of Isaiah manifested itself, The sun from the virgin womb of ascension, in the darkness to the deluded, Granting enlightenment to God.

To the false prayer book, the hope of Christians, delighted, accept prayers from us, who diligently call and pray to You.

The source of Thy life is, Pure, emanating water of immortality, having cognized earthly, we please.

Glory: Arming yourself on us slyly the enemy, with a tongue, like a sword, destroy though: but with Yours, the Mother of God, beforehand.

And now: the Abyss, Pure, intercession who will read Thy strength? So much the same for us who are in need are soon to come.

Chastity is an intercessor, calling upon Thee to appear now and save from all misfortunes and troubles, God the bride.

The villainy of the enemy, destroy and slander the unrighteous statute, blessed Most Pure One, delivering the innocent from sorrow.

Glory: We drown us with the fierce sins of the environment and perilous troubles, we resort to Your divine protection, Mother of Christ God.

And now: Having given birth to the Lord in no skill, appear after Christmas the packs are virgin: O glorious miracle, done in Thee, God-bride!

Same: Lord have mercy, three times. Glory, and now

Sedalen Voice 2:

A warm prayer and an invincible wall, a source of mercy, a refuge of the world, diligently crying to Ty: Mother of God, save us from troubles beforehand, One who will soon appear.

Canto 7 Irmos: Thy glorious Christmas, Christ, a hedgehog from the Virgin, represent the reality, thou hast saved the youths burning in the caves, singing songs to Thee: Fathers, God, blessed art.

From Thy goodness, Virgin Virgin! Resolve immeasurable sorrows and misfortunes to those who call in need and conditions: the same, help now, Blessed One, to those who praise Thee.

Show your quick intercession, show that you can, like Mother God, we call on You from the heart, with tears falling, tame the sorrow and illness of Your servants soon.

Glory: The mouth of a man like a fierce lion, the grave opened up the grave, bitterly devour me: but You, the Mother of God, appear hope to the hopeless and bring down their fortress, Blessed One.

And now: Let them see foes and be ashamed, let them understand and see Thy, hedgehog against us, a struggling force, and cast them down into the abyss of the underworld, Blessed One, hopelessly hopeful.

Our refuge and joy to the world, the Mother of God, have mercy on your feet, and hurriedly grant your grace to us who are offended, and intercede, O Good One, Your servants.

The council of vanities advises the godless hosts, like Ahitofel before. But cry: With your prayers, destroy this fortress, the Mother of God.

Glory: It is not false from the soul to those who call Thee, the Mother of God, in all sorrow and in various illnesses, and fierce troubles, hear hastily, O Lady, who deliver these ever by Thy prayers.

And now: Yes, Thy name, Theotokos, is glorified on earth, Who shines from Thee, as a sinner the sovereign hope and the wall of Thy gift: By Thee, every breath flows to God.

Canto 9 Irmos: Every language is perplexed to praise the property, but amazes the mind and the premium petit Ty, the Mother of God: both the Good being, accept the faith, as we weigh our divine love, Thou art the representative of Christians, We magnify Thee.

Let every tongue be obstructed, learn to be wicked: let the flattering mouth and the mouth speak unrighteously against righteous lawlessness, with hostile pride and envy, together, with the prayer of the Mother of God, and the saints of Christ, are silent.

Even in my prayers I am vigorous, We call on the Pure Mother of God all the sickness and sorrow of the possessed, crying: O Pure Lady, soon deliver your servants from sickness, as if according to Bose the intercessors of other imams are not.

Glory: Desperate great refuge, overwhelmed by a quiet refuge, Thou art theotokos.

The same we flow in, crying out: let us not be ashamed, Mother of the true Belly, but thanks diligently we magnify Thee.

And now: Accept, O Maid, the Most Pure, divine song, giving grace to those who hope for Thee, and ask for peace to the Churches, always send, so that every Christian language glorifies Thee.


Canon praise the Most Holy Theotokos32 Canto 1 Irmos: In the depths of the bed, sometimes "the pharaonic omnipotence is armed force, but the incarnate Word consumed all-evil sin, God glorified, gloriously be glorified."

Chorus: Holy Mother of God, save us.

Imagine from You for us the Sun is not evening, Thee is the verbal Heaven and the brightest clearly showing. In the same way, deliver me the passionate stench: as if I will sing in love to Thee, the One Virgin Mother.

Like the Source of Christ's mercy, Most Pure One, having given birth and We are going as a man, open the doors to Thy mercy, the Mother of God, and grant forgiveness of sins, the Lady of the world.

Glory: To the Tick, which carried the mental Coal and purified human nature, I pray to Thee, the Lady: I ​​have washed many of my sins and save me from defiling passions with Your prayers.

And now: Captivity, dissolve my sins, pray to the Lady, Your Son and God, and cast down my sinful sin ever since: as if I will sing to Thee, always Most blameless, we will be saved.

Canto 3 Irmos: Having established me on the stone of faith, Thou didst widen my mouth against my enemies, cheer up my spirit, always petting: it is not holy, as our God is, and it is not righteous more than You, Lord.

The darkness of my passions and the overshadowing of Thy prayers by the blasts of the glare and enlighten me, the Most Pure Lady, who gave birth to the Christ who rose before the day of Christ, the sun is not set by the sun.

Wake up the weapon that drives away the sins and passions of my soul, Virgo: and show me like another paradise, free and obeyed by You and bringing flowers Spirit.

Glory: Thou hast raised up the tabernacle, fallen and broken, by Thy Nativity, Thy forefather David: Thou hast raised up the same, the Mother of God, and me, Thy servant, crushed by passions and sin.

And now: Stretch out the hand of benevolence, accept me, the Mother of God: and every one who runs away from condemnation to You, and falls to You, and calls upon Your help.

Canto 4 Irmos: I sing Ty, hearing bo, Lord, hearing and horrified: go to me, looking for a delusional one. So much Thy descent, I glorify the hedgehog on me, Many-merciful.

The kvass of human nature is not dirty and holy, from a worthless reception of the dough, the Creator created it, and washed away the filth of passions for me, and cleanse the feces of my sins.

Resolve the captive of my passions, Lady, and dissolve the chains of my sins with the weapon of Thy prayers, giving birth to Christ, giving deliverance to those bound in hell.

Glory: With the treatment of your prayers to Your Lady, and with the plaster and oil of my soul, heal the scabs and sinful ulcers, Pure, as if giving birth to the Divine Celbe of nature.

And now: Heal the passions of my soul, which darkened me to the utmost: and enlighten the thought, further driving away, Pure, the darkness of demons that offend me and all the days stretching out networks of me.

Canto 4 Irmos: Enlightenment in the darkness of those lying, salvation of the desperate, Christ my Savior, Matins to Thee, King of the world, enlighten me with Thy radiance: don't I know any other God.

From the oath of the ancient world, as if you have delivered, the Lady, the blessing of the world, giving birth to Christ: deliver me and all sorrow to the thoughts of the out-of-place, and joy is the only one of the faithful.

The storm of fierce depravity, spirits of deceit, confuses my thought: come soon and calm down this one, which gave birth to all creatures of the One Pilot, the All-powerful Christ.

Glory: Shine on me the light of repentance, Mother of God, in the perilous darkness shuttered:

give a helping hand to the one lying down and by your prayers raise me up, Pure One, to create God's justifications.

And now: The hail of my soul surrounds the demonic regiment, and it encroaches upon it:

glorious Lady, the city of all the King ", protect me with pillar walls, with your prayers, and save me.

Canto 6 Irmos: Rolling in the abyss of sinfulness, unseen by Thy mercy I call upon the abyss: from aphids, God, erect me.

As if you gave birth to eternal Life, Most Pure, from the body of my soul, death by Thy prayers.

The obstinate paths that walked to the right paths instruct, Yazhe giving birth to the Path of life, Christ our God.

Glory: Catching, tempting, me a man-hating serpent: abolish this, Lady, as if giving birth to the head of the Crushing serpent.

And now: Heal my souls of passions and conquer bewilderment of sorrow, Who gave birth to God for salvation by man, Most Pure One.

Also: Lord have mercy, three times. Glory, and now

Sedalen, self-similar. Voice 2:

Mercy is a source, mercy grant us, the Mother of God, look at the people who have sinned, manifest as Thy strength forever: rejoice in Thee, with a cry of Ty, like sometimes "Gabriel, incorporeal Archangels.

Canto 7 Irmos: The wise children did not serve the golden body, and they themselves went into the flame, and their gods scolded, in the midst of the flame, I cried out, and I sprinkle the angel: I heard your prayer already.

Thy door, guided by the mental East, which appeared from Heaven, bring Thyou, Virgin, Thy servant into Heaven, I pray: also accept me, Lady, and instruct me with light.

A wave of passions confuses my mind and shakes the soul: but the sea that gives birth to the agitated by the command of the Divine Bridling, Virgo, transpose dispassion to the silence and embarrassment of the fleshly ordinance.

Glory: Do not cease, Pure, pray from Thee-born God for others of the same faith flowing to Thee and asking for deliverance, One intercessor for the world, desperate hope and intercession, overwhelmed by the fierce help always.

And now: On the Cross, Christ, Thy Son, was crucified by will, the beginning of darkness, shame and mortal destroy the pernicious power: Imzhe, Most Pure Lady, death my passionate flesh.

Canto 8 Irmos: About the likeness of gold, the negligent treasure of the youth, unchanging and alive God's image having seen, in the midst of the fire, chanting: fulfilled, let all creation sing to the Lord and exalt for all eternity.

With animal waters, my heart dried up with a sinful flame, You give me a drink, Virgin Mother of God, always observing me in tenderness, singing with fear: may all creation sing to the Lord and exalt Him forever.

Carrying the Divine Ark and the Tablets of the Covenant, the indescribable Son of Thy Christ, Virgin, the Word of God, the Most Pure, This is to be written, as if on the heart of my soul create with the finger of God, Thy prayers.

Glory: The God-made tabernacle, the abode of the Holy of Holies, showing the image of the ancient tabernacle, the Bishop is great inwardly, my heart, Virgin, reveal the Most High and all the King "of Christ, the tabernacle is holy.

And now: Cut off from Thy falsities, Immaculate Lady, like from a mountain, an honest Stone, and crush the pillars of all delights, like the Almighty One Almighty crush: Immediately consume images of my soul with passion, crushed the jaws of mental enemies.

Canto 9 Irmos: Even before the sun the lamp of God shone forth, fleshly came to us, inexpressibly embodied Devich from the side, Blessed All-Singing, Ty, the Mother of God, we magnify.

Like non-corporeal beings, like God make up, from Thee the Virgin Otrokovitsa, incarnate. Also, deliver me the carnal passions of the situation and the carnal wisdom, Your servant by Your prayers.

True, the Sun, Pure, Thou didst shine forth, and Heaven appeared bright, I ruin the night of my passions with Your prayers, and enlighten my soul, and illuminate my heart and understand.

Glory: Judge, Mother of God, and prepare my companion, and save me from that insult: Thou didst give birth to the Judge of the Good and the Righteous, Who in the bosom of the Divine Condemned death.

And now: Thou hast destroyed Eve's sorrow, having given birth to the new Adam, who first created the Adamic nature. In the same way, allow the handwriting of my sins, misfortunes and sorrows and passions liberate me.


Canon to the Most Holy Theotokos 33 Canto 1 Irmos: In the depths of the bed, sometimes "the pharaonic omnipotence is armed with power, but the incarnate Word consumed all-evil sin, God glorified, gloriously be glorified."

Chorus: Holy Mother of God, save us.

Praise for Ty is a flowering crown, Her Church, which is vegetating in the Spirit, Pure, brings you a song to You with the Archangel Gabriel the God-bride, rejoicing, singing and honestly crowning Ty.

Having cultivated the life-giving Grapes, Mother of God Teaching, Christ God, the Holy Father appeared to the earth more than meaning, God-gracious, and the whole world to drink life-giving beer, Pure.

Glory: Thou, the Most Pure One, gave birth to God and the Lord of us all and nourished the body of Christ to the agitated sin of the whole world, and being drowned, rightly guiding us to a salvation haven.

And now: Refuge and salvation to the city, we all faithfully pray to Thee, Mary Mother of God, and for miles we are warm: accept our prayers, Thy faithful servants, and resolve all of us from the sins of condemnation.

Canto 3 Irmos: Confirm us in Thee, O Lord, mortify sin with the tree, and put Thy fear into the hearts of us who sing Thee.

The beginning of God's aversion was quick to man Eve's deception: the Holy Mother of God, bring the packs of God to us.

Life Thy Treasure, Teaching, gives rise to the world, and the glorious Joachim rejoices in the grace of You, like hopeless fathers who came to you.

Glory: From Anna, joy to the family of prosperity, reward the Virgin King ": and rejoice at Your Christmas, your wives, resolved by Your oaths.

And now: the Bush in Sinai represents Yours, Virgin, glorious Christmas: for you did not burn with the fire of the Divine, received it in the hollows, Pure.

Canto 4 Irmos: Hearing, O Lord, Thy glorious look and glorify, Human-loving, Thy incomprehensible power.

Jacob Tya like a ladder divinely foreseeing, Virgo, God is established on this verse.

Angelic dream, the words of Thy coming to us, O Most Pure One, manifest.

Glory: Thy womb is blessed and blessed at the breast, Virgo: for the sake of life, all gained.

And now: We mysteriously sing of Thee, Mother of God, with the voices of Orthodoxy; Observe His Church with Thy prayers.

Canto 5 Irmos: Enlightenment in the darkness of those lying, salvation of the desperate, Christ my Savior, Matins to Thee, King of the world, enlighten me with Thy radiance: don't I know any other God.

We sing of the law and the ark to the most honest of Thee, the Mother of God Mary: for all the Creator and God, like the tablets, Thou wore, Preaching.

We glorify the Throne of God of the Word, the Mother of God, on the same place as a Man, God is seated, and surpassing the cherubim.

Glory: Thou hast allowed, Virgin, from bitter work the whole human race, and with the freedom of Christ, the feminine nature you honored, in Thy Divine Nativity.

And now: Thou didst give birth to a Son, the Virgin, and the wives of the enemy are victorious: the same also flows to the Young Woman, virginity holds.

Canto 6 Irmos: Rolling in the abyss of sinfulness, unseen by Thy mercy I call upon the abyss: from aphids, God, erect me.

Even more joy to the world, Pure Mother of God, rejoice, You, Virgin, we call with an angel faithfully, Grant your joy, and ruin our sorrow.

Joy is an inalienable dwelling. Thee is praisingly true, Mother Ever-devo, honor your joy and ruin our sorrow.

Glory: The heaven of heaven above, thou art, God-bridal, Thy Divine glory: our God has dwelt in Thee, appear in me.

And now: Now the female nature has rejoiced, now the sorrow of death, the joy of prosperity: as Mary give birth to Joy, the Savior of Christ God.

Same: Lord have mercy, three times. Glory, and now Sedalen, voice 2

Similar to: The mercy of the being:

My soul is fierce laziness and my heart is overwhelmed, Mother of God, having matured, heal with Thy prayers and those who have been saved by me, vouch for the parts that deliver me darkness and torment, as my hope and consolation are One.

Canto 7 Irmos: We serve the image of the golden one in the field of Deira, three Thy children ignored the godless command, in the midst of the fire cast, irrigate the poyahu: blessed are you, God our father.

Fleece sometimes "Gedeon's, hedgehog on Ty, Pure, God's Words typify the dream: as I grow, conception is pleasant, incorruptible Virgin. The same we all call You: blessed is the Fruit of Your womb, Pure.

New and terrible, and faithful and wonderful are Thy mysteries, Mary, Mother of Christ of our God: as Thou art reconciled, God and the Lord, and now we sing with the angels: Blessed is the Fruit of Thy womb, Pure.

Glory: Even before, Gideon foreshadows You, Pure, Divine Nativity of Java: the okrin brings full of water from the drainage of runes: all of You have Divinely dwelt in You, Most Pure: Blessed is the Fruit of Your womb, Pure.

And now: Having given birth to God and the Savior of all sorts of Mary, you were desperate correction, sinners renewal, and unreliable hope, and singing help: blessed is the Fruit of Your womb, Pure.

Canto 8 Irmos: To the fiery cave to the Jewish youth descended, and flame on the dew of the transformed God, sing, works, like the Lord, and exalt for all eternity.

New paradise appeared to us, the Most Holy Theotokos, not a mortal tree, but an animal, like a garden, having sprouted the Lord without a seed, and we all feed on an immortal life.

The whole Church of Christ, the Mother of God, sings about Your Christmas, as if all sinners and beggars are saved, those who come running to you in love: Christ came to save mankind on earth.

Glory: The condemnation of the great-grandmother is freed by Thee Theotokos Virgin: and now the wives suffer according to Christ and the female nature rejoices, like the first martyr Thekla cries out.

And now: No one perishing, Pure, of the same faith, an Orthodox hope for you, Virgin Mother of God, perhaps sweep aside envy, do not bow down to your inscribed image.

Canto 9 Irmos: Even before the sun the Lamp of God shone forth, fleshly came to us from the side of Devich, inexpressibly embodied, blessed All-Pure, Ty, the Mother of God, we magnify.

Incline Thy ear, O Most Holy Virgin, to the one who sings faithfully with the praiseworthy words of Thy Christmas: and, like the gifts of widows, receive the song of my lips, ask for forgiveness of my sins.

Your kindness shines, your lightness, Pure, shines with purity, and Your Christmas will shine more than these: God is Bo, the Creator of the sun and all creatures, from You was born: the same we all magnify.

Glory: The Light of Ty purity, and the rod of virginity, and the Mother of God divinely singing in songs, to the Mother of God, with a voice of praise we pray to Ty: confirm us in virginity and keep us pure.

And now: the Body and the soul of the unscrupulous Gods have observed, Pure, the King of the delight of Thy kindness, Christ, and the Mother of His incarnation of the show, Mary the most glorious, accomplishing my salvation.


Canon to the Most Holy Theotokos Canto 1 Irmos: Come people, let us sing a song to Christ God, who divided the sea and instructed people, even from the Egyptian work, as if glorified.

Chorus: Holy Mother of God, save us.

The word of my acquisition is by no means a hymn to the All-Pure, as if darkness covers me of my sins: but, O Mother of God! oppressed accept me.

Under Your cover I run, Most Pure One, from the sin of the innumerable to the end, and create God and the Master in good time, Pure One, and save me.

Glory: You are to me, the Lady, a warm purification, resorting to You, I will be saved and gain spiritual salvation: you can do everything, like the Mother of all God.

And now: Like a flatterer to souls, draw me into a perilous pit: but stretch out Your sovereign hand to me, Virgin Mary, and soon lift me up to the light.

In many troughs, the robbers, accursed, were naked, but wounded and abandoned: but Thou, Pure Mother of God, do not despise me.

Bare Adam before the serpent, seducing the tree, now conveniently capture my soul: I pray to Ty, Lady, harbor me.

Glory: Now I bring you my secret, more true to my Representative and protection: as if your Son will not expose this to me, at His righteous Judgment.

And now: Have mercy on us, Pure One, have mercy: for from the works of salvation we are by no means able to bear it. The same, with warm faith to You, crying out: Have mercy on Your servants.

Canto 4 Irmos: I sing Thee, hearing bo, Lord, hearing and horrified, going to me bo, looking for a delusional one. So much Thy descent, I glorify the hedgehog on me, Many-merciful.

Aching me incurably, Lady, and having become impoverished, do not despise: but give me the oil of Thy goodness, Virgin, and with Thy industries enrich me, a hedgehog from God incorruptible gold.

I am naked of all the good and I lie in the wicked, I clothed myself more than all the ancient fallen: and now decorate me with the former and save the latter, God-bride.

Glory: The harlot has excelled in fornication, and the publican always by covetousness, by word and will:

but for both, before the end, grant me repentance, Lady, grant.

And now: I have settled in a sadder desert, move away from You, Mother of God, who will give me krill, and I will fly, and I will come to You, my hope, saving my faintheartedness?

Like the non-evening Light from Your womb, the Lady, who has shone on earth, illuminate my stinking soul, Pure, and ward off every darkness of my heart.

My weight covers the fierce one of my wicked and evil deeds, but I cry out to Ty, Lady: guide me to the Divine light of Your Son and Master, All-chanted.

Glory: And accept me, Pure, like the prodigal son, Thy Son is pleasant and the Creator of all, crying with him: who have sinned in truth, and save me, Lady.

And now: The wounded heart of my wicked one, the Most Pure One, as if healed mercifully, on the Cross, in the flesh of the Wounded, unspeakably born.

Canto 6 Irmos: Rolling in the abyss of sinfulness, unseen by Thy mercy I call upon the abyss: from aphids, God, erect me.

I am a sinful sink into the moat, and I do not look to the unforgettable God, I am possessed by fear: but I am swept away to You, God the bride.

My heart, covered with fierceness, of unknowable sins with a wave, Your omnipotent prayer, Mother of God, feed me. "

Glory: See the beauty of Thy glory for me, when I want to part from my flesh, like my affirmation, to the Lady: let us take abandonment from here.

And now: Deliver misfortunes and troubles and sorrows to Thy servants, Holy Lady, even to God by Thy prayers, by faith, who are running to Thee.

Same: Lord have mercy, three times. Glory, and now

Sedalen, voice 2:

We magnify thee, Mother of God, cryingly: rejoice, rod, from seedless God is worthless, destroy death on the Tree.

Now the yawning enemy is trying to take me into his womb: for he brings me temptations and nets everywhere, stopping all my haste: but having foreseen, save me, Virgin Mati, from that evil libel.

He defiles and confuses the senses and the mind, and tries to bring me into a moat of despair. The same cry of Ty Unity: my refuge, God-bride, deliver me from the hand of this flattering one.

Glory: Even in ancient times, three young men from the burning cave, my Christ, deliver, Himself, the Word, and me from the prayers of Your unskilful Mother from the flame that was kindled by the immeasurable evil, deliver and sprinkle.

And now: My heart will in fact find a smolder, kill me: but Thou art for me by the power of Divine rain, unarticular Mother, and conquer this by me, as by faith I call Ty:

Blessed One, Who gave birth to God in the flesh.

Canto 8 Irmos: Into the cave of fire to the Hebrew youth who descended and flame into the dew of the transformed God, sing, deeds, like the Lord, and exalt for all eternity.

By many of my wicked I was devoured by the former, many hardships, and I do not dare to raise my eye to heaven, but I cry out to Ti: have mercy, the One Mother of God, I am not fallen.

The anger of Your Son and God, Pure One, has sank into one, deliver me: and at the hour, at one, she wants to create a test, wake me help, Most Pure One, and save me from the shy goats.

Glory: Mentally mortified by me from my innumerable evils, raise up the Bride of God to the Young Woman: and by Thy prayer, deliver me from all delights of a strangled enemy and murderer.

And now: Wicked to the soul, how did you denigrate the first kindness to evil? How did you all, even to Thy Creator, reject the vows and accept the evil one? But come and come piously to the Mother of God.

Canto 9 Irmos: From God, God the Word, with inexpressible wisdom, who came to renew Adam, poison into the corruption of the fallen fierce, from the Holy Virgin incarnate inexpressibly for our sake, faithful with unanimous songs we magnify.

The deeds of the grievous feelings of the defiled are truly, and I am full of all the student deeds: but cleanse you, Most Pure One, the time for me asking for favors, but I ceaselessly magnify Thee.

You justify me, the Mother of God, when the deeds of someone's innermost reality appear, and truly power: save me the darkness, and in the land of Thy prayers make me light, where there is joy unspeakable.

Glory: I pray to Thee, to the Word, before the end comes, grant me warm repentance, and tenderness to tears, chastity, coupled with humility, and Divine love, and the dispensation of Thy flock, with the prayers of Thy birth.

And now: Having fallen asleep on the clever and sensible, Virgin, with glory and honor, do not abhor me God, having fallen asleep in the sin of the old and new people who have sinned on earth:

but by your prayer save me.


The canon of prayer to the Most Holy Theotokos Song 1 Irmos: Come, people, let us sing a song to Christ God, who divided the sea and instructed people, even known from the Egyptian work, as if glorified.

Chorus: Holy Mother of God, save us.

Alike piously Thee, Pure, the existing Mother of God, confessing soul and mouth, from fierce troubles, and now save ailment and sins, Most Pure.

All the graces in You that lie the abyss by leading away: the same, resorting to the Mother of God, diligently to Your Divine protection, we are saved.

Glory: About us, Thee who sing, Most Pure, pray to the Incarnate from Your most pure and honest blood, to get rid of sins and bitter diseases.

And now: Thy praise, faithfulness, with all possessions, refuge and confirmation and rejoicing, and salvation for souls, but hope and a wall, God-gracious.

Canto 3 Irmos: Confirm us in Thee, O Lord, mortify sin with the tree, and put Thy fear into the hearts of us who sing Thee.

Through Thy prayers, Pure, God, Thou hast given birth to Him, Thou shalt give Thy graceful servant, flowing to Thy shelter, and faithfully bowing to Thy Christmas.

Hear the verbs of my prayer, Virgo, from the depths of my heart, I also bring Ti, Teaching, and save me from passions and misfortunes.

Glory: All my life, okormi ", Virgin, my hope and the representative, temptations and 34 delivering, and the necessary35 God the bride.

inspiration And now: the Wisdom of God hypostatic in the hand as if carrying, Bogomati, from ignorance and delusion to get rid of us pray.

Canto 4 Irmos: Hearing the Lord, Thy glorious sight, and glorify, Human-loving, Thy incomprehensible power.

To the ulcers of my spiritual and fleshly filth, Yazhe who gave birth to God, Lady, give permission.

Desecrated by me by passions, and thoughts, and living with anxiety, hope, Virgin, and strengthen by faith.

Glory: Deliver me, Mother of God, from the influx, both storms and troubles by Your prayers, One Teaching.

And now: Overwhelmed by the waves of life, quit, Virgo, instructing me to Thy haven.

Irmos: The Giver of Light and the Creator of the ages, Lord, in the light of Your commands instruct us:

do we not know another God for You.

An invincible weapon of property for various temptations of the enemy, we get rid of all anger in Java, like Theotokos of the Pure leading.

The fulfillment of the law, the one who was greater than the cherubim, gave birth to the Word of God incarnate, the Only Begotten Son: for Him pray for Thy servants. "

Glory: All the Creators into Thy hand, Pure, carry, Give this to us with Thy prayers, now with all our hearts running to You.

And now: From oppression and illness of the soul, I bring a prayer to Ty, accursed: the bounty of the One who gave birth to the guilty Word, having harnessed, save me.

Canto 6 Irmos: Wallowing in the abyss of sinfulness, unseen by Thy mercy I call upon the abyss, from aphids, God, erect me.

Salvation is a haven, led by Thee, sailing the long-sad life of the sea, I call upon the Lady: feed "the heifer of my soul, wake up.

Bare the clothes of my chastity, I was embittered, but, Mother Ever-ever, who gave birth to God, give me a garment of joy.

Glory: A pure life is lost, in laziness he is alive, passionate: but build up, Blessed Lady, having considered Thy Son's command36.

And now: Thy Mercy, the Mother of God, vouch for me, Thou art the Gracious Word, who delivered mankind with His blood from aphids.

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Same: Lord have mercy, three times. Glory, and now Sedalen, voice 2.

Similar to: The mercy of the being:

Your Virgin and Your Mother, Christ, on the Tree, Seeing, You are stretched out dead, crying, saying bitterly: My Son, what a strange mystery, grant eternal life to everyone, how do you die a diarrhea death by will on the Cross?

Irmos: The godless command of the wicked tormentor, high fire lifted up to eat:

Christ, as a pious youth, prostrated the spiritual dew, who is blessed and glorified.

My fortress and singing, and salvation, and a firm intercession, and the wall is invincible, the Lady, the demons who fight me, defeat me, always seeking to kill me.

Embodying God with Thy virgin blood, Thou art deified, Virgo, mankind: the same I pray to Thy with the passions of me defiled and corrupted by the enemy's cunning, save Thy prayers.

Glory: Thy Christmas prototype, All-Immaculate, the children have not fallen asleep, as Thy fickle Fire is not permanent: the same we pray to Thee, save Thy servants of the eternal fire.

And now: the Most Pure Conception and the incorruptible Christmas, Thou art Thou alone revealed, being a virgin:

Boch Christ, Pure, over all God, the Man who was, faithful to salvation and deliverance.

Canto 8 Irmos: Sometimes "fiery in Vavilo" is not acting apart, scorching by the Divine command of the Chaldeans, faithful irrigating, singing: bless all the works of the Lord, the Lord.

Be jealous of the good, wicked boldness, the care of Divine deeds, my soul, the Mother of God praying for You and all who have no shameful intercessor, as merciful and benevolent.

Thou hast allowed the ancient condemnation of mankind: the same I pray to Thee, the Mother of God, allow every evil conjunction of my heart, binding me, Most Pure One, with the Divine love of the Creator.

Glory: Glory I give birth to the Dawn, Mother of God, with the glory of transgressions, grasp my sorrowing heart and bring glory to me, show me a partaker, as if by faith I glorify Thee.

And now: Appear to us from Thee, Mother of God, the true Sun of truth, enlightening everything with the rays of the Divine, the Highest incarnate, We will sing hymns for Him.

Canto 9 Irmos: The Son, God and Lord of the Parent is without beginning, incarnate from the Virgin, appear to us, darkened to enlighten, gather the wasted one: by this we magnify the all-chanting Theotokos.

Having tasted Adam's food, admixed with death, sorrow is enveloped from the tree: nip on the Tree, Thy Son, Most Pure, pour out the sweetness of immortality ": for this sake we praise.

Thou art the Queen, the King of Christ and the Lord, even more than the words of giving birth to a ravaged hell kingdom: Pray to him diligently, O Otrokovitsa, the highest Kingdom, grant all those who honor Thee.

Glory: Grant me, Lady, my humble heart, embittered with sweet locks, like the Blessed Parent, and the Good Mother is all: and bring me good doors to repentance.

And now: We were dead on the Cross, lift up, thereby killing the serpent. I also call Ti:

have my soul mortified by wicked deeds, have mercy, Word, and revive the prayers of the Birth of Ty.


The canon of prayer to the Most Holy Theotokos Song 1 Irmos: Come, people, we will sing a song to Christ God, who divided the sea, and who instructed the people, who are also known from the Egyptian work, as if glorified.

Chorus: Holy Mother of God, save us.

Thou art the source of life, Virgin Mother of the Pure, giving birth to the Chief and Lord, Life of all, irrigating with faith praising Thee.

Thy affirmation and proxy, enriched, imams, like the Mother of God, Most Pure, confessing Thee, we are saved from the anxiety of life, All-Immaculate Virgin.

Glory: Yazhe is the Source of immortality having given birth, wounded by my passions, the Young Woman, heal and eternal fire is eradicated, the One God-blessed.

And now: For the faithful a refuge, Ever-dear, sovereign help to the inflowing Ti, save us from any need and harm of the opposing one.

Canto 3 Irmos: Confirm us in You, Lord, mortify sin with a tree, and put your fear into the hearts of us who sing Thee.

As for the golden censer, and the stamn of manna, and the Divine mountain, and the beautiful chamber of God, Ty, the Virgin, we name.

The Church and the sacred dwelling place of the Word of existence, the Mother of God, purification of sins, wake me forever, Holy Virgin.

Glory: Neither the language of the earth, nor the mind of the incorporeal, can Thy Christmas say: more than nature and meaning, you gave birth to the Mother of God, the Creator.

And now: Confirmation awake and refuge and protection, Virgin Mother of God, who come running to You by faith, and confessing The Mother of God.

Canto 4 Irmos: Hearing, O Lord, Thy glorious look, and glorify, Human-loving, Thy incomprehensible power.

Ty, the Mother of God, the Christians have great help with zealots; they will save us from fierce troubles.

Inexperienced Lady, Yazhe of God conceived in the womb, save us all misfortunes and sorrows.

Glory: The invincible wall of Ty and the sovereign hope of the Mother of God, the Pure, faithful to the scourge in misfortune.

And now: Thy Prayer, Lady, as we have acquired the degree of firmness, we are getting rid of various sorrows.

Irmos: The Giver of Light and the Creator of the ages, Lord, in the light of Your commands instruct us:

do we not know another God for You.

Incarnate from Thee, the Mother of God, faithful in knowledge, born without the seed of the Son, true God, and Man by nature: the same we glorify Thee.

Under Thy shelter and intercession, Most Pure One, faithful always resorting by faith, we are delivered by Thee, Mother of God, of every heavy invasion.

Glory: Deliver us from misfortunes and storms of thoughts, Most Pure One, of all anger, all sin, gladness and destruction, and eternal, Virgin, torment.

And now: Our Intercessor and salvation and hope, the Lady, there are Christians, save with love Thee always singing faithfully, O All-Singing Virgin.

Canto 6 Irmos: Rolling around in the abyss of sinfulness, I call upon the abyss of Thy mercy, from aphids, God, erect me.

And by the will of all, doing everything, into the falsehood of the Unskilful by will, having possessed, enriching the smoldering incorruptible, as if Merciful.

Above the Highest Powers and the Most Holy Thou, the Most Immaculate, more than nature, you have contained the incapable Word in Your falsehood.

Glory: On the path of living deluded by me and without a way, often falling into sin, Lady, teach the paths of repentance.

And now: Do not despise, O Pure One, our prayers, Thy servant who put hope in Thee: a refuge for the Lady, and cleansing for souls.

Same: Lord have mercy, three times. Glory, and now

Sedalen Voice 2:

Thou didst conceive the Word without a seed, but Thou didst conceive the Son of the One Christ: Thou didst give birth to a new Child, Thy Creator. We magnify Ty, the Mother of God.

Canto 7 Irmos: We serve the image of the golden one in the field of Deira, three Thy children ignored the godless command, in the midst of the fire cast, irrigate the poyahu: blessed are you, God our father.

The rational Son is natural to the Father, by the power of the Most Holy Spirit you have embodied, the God-gracious Lady. This ubo ceaselessly pray to harbor the singing: Blessed One, Who gave birth to God in the flesh.

Virgin, Pure, non-marital, Holy Blessed, correction falling, sinning deliverance: save me, prodigal, save me, calling to Thy Son: Blessed, Who gave birth to God in flesh.

Glory: The refuge is firm, the representative is terrible and the wall is unbreakable in need for the needy and overwhelmed in sorrow, and even to Thy Son with prayers, the Mother of God, save Thy servants from various temptations.

And now: Even the hope and help of the faithful are One, the Mother of God, seeking help from Your servant, immersed in sorrow, bewildered everywhere, and in illness, and resorting to You with the love of the soul.

Canto 8 Irmos: Into the fiery cave to the Jewish youth who descended and flame into the dew of the transformed God, sing the works, like the Lord, and exalt for all eternity.

A living, living source, like giving birth to the Water of life, my soul, melting sin with a flame, the Virgin Mary, irrigate, and I praise Thee forever.

Those who were mortified and to the dust of death and decay brought together, Thou hast raised up the One, the Head of life having given birth, Christ our God, the Lady, the Pure and Blessed Virgin.

Glory: Deliver me, the Pure Lady, of eternal fire and condemnation, and rescue me from people who malice and seek commanders37 to me: as if I am always gratifying You, all creation is Divinely pleasing to me.

And now: In the likeness of the flesh, the Most Divine of Thee is seen byst, Pure Virgin: Himself ceaselessly pray to have mercy on us, in the wickedness of those who live and tremble with eternal torment.

Canto 9 Irmos: From God God the Word, with inexpressible wisdom, who came to renew Adam, poison into the corruption of the fallen lute, from the Holy Virgin who inexpressibly incarnated us for the sake of faithfulness, we magnify with unanimous song.

Divine philanthropy confer upon me, Otrokovitsa, Even the One Human-lover of God, the flesh intertwined with Thee, and unspeakably born, deliver me to the future flame and torment of every kind, to the love of Thy glorifying.

Like a strong intercessor, like the hope and the wall and the foundation, and the cover is solid, and the assertion is invincible, and the shelter is not dark, and the one-power refuge that has acquired Thee, we are all saved, Teaching.

Glory: To the Mother of God, Virgin, my souls take away the clouds: and give me a clear behold of the Lady, the saving kindness that has risen unspeakably from Your Most Holy Womb, into the light of tongues, Preaching.

And now: the Light that gave birth to the Divine, my heart darkened by many passions of guidance, and the thought of those who alienate, enlighten, the Young Lady, giving drops of tears, the filth of sin, the Virgin, cleansing me.


ON SATURDAY 38 Canon of the Most Holy Theotokos Canto 1 Irmos: Waters of old, Divine mania, mating in One host, and dividing the sea by the Israelite people, this our God, is glorified: to the One we will give, as if glorified.

Chorus: Holy Mother of God, save us.

Like the Mother of God Thee, the Divine Spirit, the Father who appeared with good pleasure, faithfully, we marry with pure songs, Most Pure God Bride: and we kiss Thee with stumps with the archangel, for our salvation.

From the ribs of Adam's, Eve is created, by the ancient Divine Building: from the womb of the Theotokos, Christ, our God, appears, immutably incarnate, temporarily the Eternal.

Glory: Condemn Eve's womb in sorrow, give birth to fruit in illness, dwelt in Thy womb, Pure Virgin, Our God, appeared in flesh more than words, and foremother resolve the debt.

And now: In despair, the depths have sunk into hardships, we earnestly call, the Mother of God, to You:

Mistress, help the drowned deeds of wicked sins, Thy Bo is the One imams hope according to Bose.

You manifest the rod of Aaron, flourishing without water, the Most Pure Mother of God, without the seed giving birth to the incarnate God without fail.

I bear the Divine Fire, like a lamp, the Most Pure One, the prophet of the Spirit by the Spirit, bearing the fragrance of those in the world and eternal life.

Glory: Let us approach the archangel Gabriel, rejoice, broadcasting to the Virgin with songs: by you, the great-grandfather's oath will be permitted to condemnation.

And now: Ty, Most Holy Theotokos, as if the wall of salvation of the property of sin we are saved: do not despise, Lady, and do not put our prayers to shame.

A mental mountain, a shade of virtues, By the spirit of ancient Habakkuk, God-like seeing Thee, preaching, Most Pure: as if the Word came from Thee from the South, received the flesh.

Mount Thee, a great, non-sectarian Daniel in the Spirit, showing the purity of Thy virginity, to the Lady: from Neyazhe the Stone is cut off, Christ the Word, casting down idols by flattery.

Glory: Mount Ty David is wonderful and fat prophesy: ​​The only begotten son of the Father is Pure grace in Thee, to embody and incarnate. Tem Tee: Rejoice, we call you in the spirit.

And now: All the good and warm intercessor that exists as a sinner and humble, the Mother of God the Most Pure Lady, save Your servants from troubles, and sorrows, and sins.

Canto 5 Irmos: Like Isaiah, figuratively on the throne, God is exalted, from the angel of glory to Dorinoshim, oh accursed one, crying out: the Provider is God incarnate, the Light of non-evening, and reigning in the world.

Grow out the rod of Jesse the everlasting color, Virgin Mary of God without a beginning, without seed, from the Divine Spirit and the Father, a pagan sovereign kingdom that possessed, trusting the heathen on Wrong.

The prince of peace came to the throne of David, reigning from You, the Mother of God, God is incarnate.

About a miracle! And, you will fight, treat 39 the princes of Moab, and you, who gave birth, the Queen of the show.

Glory: Thy immaculate kindness, Christ clothed himself in the flesh without seed, the Virgin, Isaiah manifesting, calls out the cry: the Lord of glory is coming on a cloud of light and, driving away the charms of darkness, will enlighten us.

And now: From the Holy Spirit conceived the Word Consubstantial to the Father, the Virgin, Thou hast given birth in two natures, God is perfect and perfect Man: by His faith we honor the fleshly manifestation.

The Wise Auditorium of Thy will prescribe 40 with songs, All-chanting, on whom God is incarnate in the hypostasis of Thee, and glorify Thee, we are unmistakably excited.

To be to the Word is like the chosen one, the All-Singing Virgin, the chosen garment: like the purple of the Divine, from Thee flesh is a reception, reign, Godlessly dressed.

Glory: The being of the union of the Divine receptacle, the Bride of God, the brightest golden: for you, God is like a Man, and God is a human being, like a Man.

And now: Death to the ungodly in Thee, O All-chanted Virgin, heresy of malice: as if envy melt away, your glorious image seeing the likeness.

Same: Lord have mercy, three times. Glory, and now

Sedalen Voice 3:

From the warmth of faith I cry out to Ty, the Theotokos, unworthy of a mouth and a bad heart: save me, immersed in sins, bless the mortified by despair, but I call Ty, we are saved: Rejoice, Virgo, Christian helper.

Canto 7 Irmos: Before the golden image, the Persian veneration, the youths did not bow, the trio sings in the middle of the cave: Fathers, God, blessed art.

The bush and the flame are consistently copulating, and the incorruptible wallpaper appeared, Ty, Virgo, clearly manifest: for you gave birth to God, and you are virgin.

Fleece and dew to Gideon in change, they will prescribe Thy Christmas: You must bear the One Divine Word in your belly, like rain, Virgin Mati.

Glory: The fire of my sin makes me more fire than hell, this quench, Pure, by Your mercy, instructing me to the light by repentance.

And now: Your vision, the Most Pure Theotokos, honoring like the first image, Your intercessor is everlasting and the cover is graceful to God the Imams are all.

Canto 8 Irmos: Babylonian cave the youths did not fall, the fire of the Virgin was corrupted below the Divinity.

You, Father, please, an unskilful bride, as if the bright krin in the midst of thorns will find, with the grace of kindness shining with the Divine Spirit, for the Son in the dwelling.

The Most Holy of the highest powers, the Most Immaculate Virgin, I glorify Java without reasoning: I have carried the Creator of these in my womb, I have received the flesh from You with an unmixed union.

Glory: Virginity is indestructible, Virgin, save, Mother was truly the Son of God, the Father was the grace of the Bride, and the companion of the glory of the Spirit is incorruptible.

And now: Alike by nature, the immaterial God and invisible, simply and inexpressibly more than nature, Man is born from the Holy Virgin, especially behold in the One hypostasis, in which there is visible in writing.

Canto 9 Irmos: A new miracle and a divine one: the Lord passes through the maiden door that is shut in, naked at the entrance, and the carpenter appears in the exodus, and the door remains shut. This is inexpressibly like the Mother of God we magnify.

The fruit of the Holy Root is Holy: the barren bo, sanctified by the law of God to the fathers, the immortal life of the Mother of God The young woman is prosperous: and Anna rejoices, having received the child in old age, the Mother of God, we glorify the South.

New Christmas and God-like Your Holy and God-bearing womb, Pure: in it an image is written in a Man with the Father's finger, the Son is incarnate by the Holy Spirit. He is also unmixed like God and Man we magnify.

Glory: Every judgment screams at me: deeds for sinful deeds make a cry that hates me, and the whole message will be transmitted to my soul, and it trembles in the flame of hell: save me from Thy prayers, Mistress, from worthless before the end.

And now: At Christmas, I appear incorruptible, Pure: invariably the Creator of all flesh, the Mother of God, gave birth to a Man more than nature, the Father of the Creature did not retreat, and the Virgin should remain the Divine Spirit. The same glorifying Ty, we sing the song.


The canon of prayer to the Most Holy Theotokos Song 1 Irmos :: The waters of ancient times, divine mania, mingling together and dividing the sea into one host by the Israelite people, this our God, is glorified: to the One we will give, as if glorified.

Chorus: Holy Mother of God, save us.

Great-named One, Most Holy Virgin Mary, cherub, the most glorious David's daughter and the kindness of Jacob, Mother of our God: Your glory is greatly magnified, and we glorify all of You by faith.

Propence with the Word, heaven is like a skin, Thy hand, like a Man, thou wore: This one, pray invariably, Pure, save my soul from the passions of speechlessness, and from all sorrow.

Glory: Even before all ages, the so-called Virgin, the King of "the glory of the Most Pure porphyry: he clothed himself in nude in the last times, covered the skin robe of Adam the forefather, and is now covered with me.

And now: Aphid that anciently sinned the human race, Virgin, giving birth to Christ, you have dried up intolerable fire: the same passions dry the streams of my soul with Your prayers.

Canto 3 Irmos: All that was brought forth from the non-beings, created by the Word, accomplished by the Spirit, the Almighty above, confirm me in Thy love.

Like a fiery dominion, the Lord and Lord Thy Son will be called, Pure: also deliver me, the Lady, of the passionate work of Thy prayers.

Deliver me, Thy servant, from the storm of fleshly passions, soon, Most Pure, Silence giving birth to salvation and the Source of indifference.

Glory: The light of the imminent lamp was radiant from the former, Most Pure One, thou art enlightened the world:

with the same lightning of Thy souls of mine, destroy the clouds.

And now: I am dead in my soul, from a multitude of evil passions, revive, to the Lady, Who gave birth to the life-giving Christ indescribably.

Canto 4 Irmos: Thou hast laid strong love for us, Lord, Thy only begotten Son for us Thou hast given to death. We call the same Tee, thanksgiving: glory to Thy strength, O Lord.

When you come to me with fleshly wisdom, abuse, and captivates my soul: but every mind that prefers giving birth to the World, Thy world, Lady, grant me.

The clever world flows out of the womb "la thou to the world: the same from the filth of passions my soul freedom, and grant me, Most Pure, impassivity of the world with Your prayers.

Glory: Stamnu Thee, golden, who bore the life of Manna, God-man Christ, I know I pray:

feed "my soul, melting with hunger, and drink the Spirit with a stream.

And now: Eve ubo first uncontrollably introduce death: Thou art pure pure virginity Thou hast introduced. Deliver me sinful death with Thy prayers.

Canto 5 Irmos: On earth, the invisible appeared, and by the will you lived, Incomprehensible, and to You, maturing, we sing of Thee, Human-loving.

Deliverance to us, being Thy Son, Virgin, deliver all from aphids: also deliver me fleshly wisdom and passion insistence.

With the fire of Your prayers, the Mother of God, of passionate thoughts, all thorns fell, Even a tick of coal that cleansed a person.

Glory: Thou art God, Yunitsa 41, for us for the sake of the devoured benevolent, Divine Youth:

Cleanse my heart with its Divine blood.

And now: The clothes that were previously red for the garments of virtues, which have already been stripped off by my laziness:

You, Virgo, now dress me in the most luminous, with Your prayers.

Canto 6 Irmos: The last abyss of sins haunts me, and my spirit disappears: but simple, Lord, Thy high muscle, like Peter, save me, Governor.

The temple of my soul was shaken by the fierce deceit: but as if having established the earth on the waters of Christ, who gave birth to Christ, strengthen it with Your prayers.

Thou hast resolved the debt of the earth-born, giving birth to a bead of great value. In the same way, allow me, Most Pure One, rather captives of my sins, and passions, and sorrows.

Glory: Give the faithful You shelter and Divine cover, born from Your false Gods. The same, Most Pure One, and me, cover Thy hand and observe.

And now: By the waves of life I am damaging, cursed, often immersed and always overwhelmed by the work of the enemy, now I call Ti: Mother of God, help me.

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Same: Lord have mercy, three times. Glory, and now

Sedalen Voice 3:

Thy innocent Pure Mother, Christ, seeing Thy is dead, hanged on a Tree, motherly weeping, verb: what will Thy reward a Jewish lawless council and graceless, like many and great Thy gifts, having delighted in Thy Son? I sing Your Divine dream.

Canto 7 Irmos: The three youths in the cave depicting the Trinity, asking the fiery reproof, and singing crying: blessed be God, our father.

From the works of salvation, I do not, Lady, I attach sins to sin and malice to wickedness:

through Thy prayer, Pure, precede and save me.

The court is at the doors, and the judgment is ready, ready, humble in soul, and crying: always judge me, Word, do not condemn me, with the prayers of the Birth of Ty.

Glory: The volume of sinful fruits that have died, and I offer a barren soul, and I call Ty, Most Pure: Show me fruitful, I have consumed aphids with Your Fruit.

And now: O strange mysteries! O awful mind! How does God appear on earth like a man?

As a message, as if he wants, as he likes, and acts as he wants.

Canto 8 Irmos: Unified into the intolerable fire, God-righteousness awaits youth, with the flame of unharming, I will sing the Divine song: bless, all the deeds of the Lord, the Lord and exalt for all eternity.

All as good, as if the one who was close to all was the Tsar, the Mother of God, fill me with good deeds, who lived in malice and laziness all the life of the deceased, as if I praise Thee forever.

Whale whales, as if you rescued the ancient prophet gloriously, to God's Word: so save, Savior, now my soul, crawling into the depths of destruction, having a virgin who is praying to Thee who gave birth to Thee in an unskilful manner.

Glory: The laborers who have gained me malice are clothed with red clothes, and sowing they swept me away: but for me, the Mother of God the Virgin, understand with the Divine garments through repentance, with Thy prayers, the Mother of God.

And now: All creation trembles Him, this Pure One, you had in hand, for mercy for us for the sake of the Child who was, pray to save all those who call him by faith: We exalt Thee, Most Pure, for all eternity.

Canto 9 Irmos: In the Law of the Canopy and the Scriptures, we see the image, faithful: every male sex, opening open, is holy to God: by this the first-born Word, the Father without beginning, the first-born Son, Matter is not artificial, we magnify.

Corrupted in mind and soul and conscience, defiled with malice, and the nakedness of all good things is revealed, Virgin, incorruptible, immaculate, do not despise me, but adorn the works of piety.

Be filled with evil, be filled with thoughts that alienate me from You, the Man-lover, for this, for the sake of a wall and cry: those who repent, accept me and do not reject me from the Birth of my prayers, the Benefactor of many mercies.

Glory: May I get rid of Thy prayers, O All-Immaculate Maiden, from all the anger and passions of the deadly lutago of Gehenskogo fire, from the unrighteous people and from the evil enemies, resorting to Thy shelter and calling You for help.

And now: I am red in my soul, I am red in my mind, I am red in my body, the Beautiful Thy has gained, from Thy maiden loins I have incarnated, as if the message, decorating our disgrace, Virgin, Him, pray that we be saved.


Canon to the Most Holy Theotokos Canto 1 Irmos: Waters of old, Divine mania, in one host mating and dividing the sea by the Israelite people, this our God, is glorified: to the One we will give, as if glorified.

Chorus: Holy Mother of God, save us.

Having given birth to the salvation of the Ruler and the Life-Giver more than the meaning of everything, the Souz allowed Eve's condemnation to the foremother. The same creature is happy with Thee, the Pure Mother of God.

Embittered by fierce illnesses, soul and body, Holy Virgin, get rid of the depth of unknowing, delivering me all those in need: Thou art the Most Pure, source of mercy.

Glory: The clothes of gladness have been put off, into sorrow and sickness, and fiercely vulnerable from everywhere:

anticipate and deliver me from the possession of delusion: Thou art more, Mistress, refuge and hope.

And now: Having firmly acquired the Representative of Thee, Bride of God, I flow to Thy cover, praying: do not despise me, Thy servant, burdened with many passions and diseases and sorrows, but heal with Thy prayers, Mother of God.

Canto 3 Irmos: All that was brought forth from the non-beings, created by the Word, accomplished by the Spirit, the Almighty above, confirm me in Thy love.

In bewilderment and sorrow, I am more painfully, accursed, death in vain in my trail: the same, Most Pure One, save me with your prayer.

All life, corrupted by evil and prodigal deeds, slanders me and immerses me in despair: Pure, save me.

Glory: Thy bounty is an abyss, it is poured everywhere, to the Lady, the One for the sake of goodness, in oil of vestity anoints all who sing Thee.

And now: As from the beginning of Thy nature of our reception, God the Bride, Thy Son and Lord, mates with Thy prayers singing to Thee.

Canto 4 Irmos: Thou hast laid firm love for us, O Lord, Thou hast given Thy only Begotten Son for us to death. We call the same Tee, thanksgiving: glory to Thy strength, O Lord.

I put all my hope on Thee, Lady, I pray and fall from my heart: save the deadly diseases that raise me to a life of salvation, Yazhe giving birth to Life.

Heal me, Pure One, with Thy prayers, Thy desperate servant with the likeness of fierce and corrupted wounds: Thou didst give birth to a Doctor, in the mercy of our rich God.

Glory: In the passion of the fierce fallen into me, save me, and gladness the clothes by visiting Thy Divine give me, even more prevailing to all mind, the Joy of the Virgin, sprouting.

And now: Another Heaven, the Mother of God, you appeared, the Sun of truth unspeakably on the earth, Pure, shining: To us the aspirations of God-mind are everlasting light.

Canto 5 Irmos: I will matine all to Thee, the Creator, who predominates all the mind of the world: the light of Thy command is brought in, in them instruct me.

Creative deadness and passions approaching, from my immeasurable sins: Mother of God, Thy deliverance of many of my evil being, I pray diligently.

In my soul I stretch out my hand to Thee, Pure, fleshly, cursed weak, but You save me from many wounds, giving healing.

Glory: He put off his healthy clothes, and put on a deplorable robe in sickness: I pray to Thee, Lady, clothe me in health.

And now: As for the martyrs and apostles, the sacred beauty of the Mother of God, and the faithful intercession, we all are worthy of Thee we glorify.

Canto 6 Irmos: Raise me up from aphids, O Lord my God, Jonah cries out. And I cry to Ti: from the depths deliver me, Savior, many of my evils, and to Thy light, I pray, instruct.

Strain on me a multitude of diseases from my immeasurable sins, pernicious, and overlaid me with mortification: but You Yourself, Mother of God, save me from these and remove all needs.

I was thrown into the depths of sins and diseases, and immeasurable sorrows, and in these now I am by no means suppressed: but Thou, Mother of God, stretch out your hand, raise me up to salvation.

Glory: Thy is a solid foundation for the Mother of God, and for the sovereign help of those in grief: I also resorted to Thy cover, I pray to Thee: save me from cruel troubles and from serious illnesses.

And now: Rezda, the Divine Klas sprouting, Imzhe loyal hearts feed on faith, and the mental smoothness of the rest, let us sing of God's Ark, like the Virgin Mary.

- & nbsp– & nbsp–

Same: Lord have mercy, three times. Glory, and now

Sedalen Voice 4:

Virgin Most Immaculate Mother of Christ God, weapon pass through Thy Most Holy Soul, when you were crucified you saw by the will of Thy Son and God: Him, Most Blessed One, pray do not cease to grant us forgiveness of sins.

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In this book, the reader is offered the collected together canons of the Mother of God, read at Compline. These canons, which are a masterpiece of Orthodox hymnography, traditionally constitute a special liturgical book - the Theotokos. In modern Russian tradition, the Theotokos is usually fully included in the Octoikh. In the Greek Churches, it is still widely used both in worship and in home prayer. The present edition, in addition to the canons of the Mother of God themselves for each day, arranged according to the voices and days of the week, includes the rites of Small Compline and General Moleben, during which these canons should be sung. The appendices also contain the Akathist and selected canons of the Mother of God on various occasions (some of them have been translated into Church Slavonic for the first time), as well as articles on the use of the canons of the Mother of God in Orthodox worship and on the history of the Theotokos as an independent book.


The satiety of Thy praises, Virgo, does not exist for the pious faithful [The pious faithful cannot be fully satisfied with the praises of Thee, O Virgin!].

As every Orthodox Christian knows, not a single day - neither in cell nor in public worship - is complete without prayers and chants in honor of the Queen of Heaven, the Most Holy Virgin Mary. Everyone from their own experience knows how warmth becomes in the heart when you sincerely pray to the Mother of God, how quickly and mercifully Her answer to our prayers is. Whether in sorrowful circumstances of life, in adversity and troubles - or, conversely, in moments of our joy and thanksgiving - the Mother of God is always close to us and does not leave without Her mercies anyone who falls at Her most pure feet.

Prayer appeals to the Mother of God are filled with all Orthodox divine services - in addition to the services specially dedicated to Her, special concluding chants - "theotokos" - contain chants (songs of the canons, cycles of stichera, dismissal troparia, sedals, lamps, etc.) in almost all other services on a variety of topics. Without exception, all the canons to the saints glorify the Most Pure One as the final troparion of each song. The home of Orthodox Christians is also permeated with an appeal to Her: rules for the morning and “for the future sleep,” following to Holy Communion with the prayer canon of the Mother of God, and for especially zealous pilgrims - and an Akathist in Her honor. In their considerable part, the creations of saints and God-enlightened men, these texts, as a rule, are "heard" by church people and enjoy their constant love.

However, few know that the liturgical circle prescribed by the charter of the Orthodox Church, in addition to other chants of the Theotokos, contains another, special and very extensive layer of canons and sedals addressed to the Mother of God - these are the Theotokos chants of Little Compline. The daily celebration of Little Compline in the church has almost disappeared from the parish (and, alas, even the monastery) practice, therefore, not only the majority of the laity, but also many clergy and clergymen know almost nothing about these chants of the Theotokos. But the liturgical charter prescribes daily the rite of small compulsion - and, with rare exceptions, the corresponding canon of the Mother of God should be performed at compulsion.

There are 56 such canons - for each evening a special Theotokos canon is laid down according to the voice and day of the week - which means that now pious laity are deprived of the opportunity to hear in the church nearly sixty wonderful creations of ancient hymns. Moreover, it is not so easy to add these canons to the domestic prayer rule - the skill of using liturgical books (in this case, Octoechos) at home is too rare today. It is sad that these remarkable - both in antiquity, and in beauty, and in rich theological content - texts for the most part remain unknown to church people in Russia. In Greece, for example, the book, which collected the canons of the Mother of God - Theotokaryon (Theotokos), never disappeared either from church or household use and is very popular among believers today. Unfortunately, in our home prayer practice, the place of these canons was taken by numerous akathists, infinitely inferior to them in spiritual content and artistic merit. The overwhelming majority of them cannot be compared with their prototype - the first Akathist to the Mother of God. Many such akathists, compiled in the last two centuries, endlessly repeat each other, sin with scarcity and stereotyped content, stylistic primitiveness, and often with direct errors - both theological and linguistic.

Of course, this situation cannot be changed overnight: it is not superficial at all and is associated with a whole range of historical and spiritual reasons. And yet it will be gratifying if a modern believer gets the opportunity to pray together with, not contrary to, but in accordance with its thousand-year charter. To join your voice and your heart to the church statutory prayer, finding in this the like-mindedness and unity with the holy fathers, who inspired the Mother of God, and with our ancestors, who for centuries turned to Her intercession with the same words - what could be more valuable for this To whom is the liturgical heritage of the Church dear?

To promote the wider use by believers of the treasures of Orthodox hymnography - this is the purpose of this book. Its main part consisted of fifty-six canons of the Mother of God (for every day of the week for eight tones), intended for daily performance at Little Compline. In modern practice, they are published as part of the Octoichus and are placed in it in different places; the present edition follows the ancient tradition, when all these canons are brought together in one book - the Theotokos - which makes it easier to read them at home ("in private"). For those who are zealous about the statutory prayer, the book contains the ranks of Lesser Compline and General Moleben, which, according to the liturgical statute, should include these canons.

In addition to this, the main part, the Appendices contain several more canons of the Mother of God. The first are two "prayer" canons - and if the first, the so-called "small prayer" (the beginning of the first troparion: With many misfortunes ...), is well known to everyone from various editions of the Prayer Book, in which this canon is placed almost always, then the second, the so-called "great prayer" canon (the beginning of the first troparion: Sorrowful guidance ...) is known to the Russian believers only by the appendix to the Octoichus, although in the Greek editions of the Prayer Book it is always cited together with the first. Further in the Appendices are the Akathist of the Mother of God and two canons from the service of the Sabbath of the Akathist (or Praise to the Mother of God), the first of which is given according to the Triodi, and the second is translated from Greek into Church Slavonic specifically for this publication. Finally, the Appendices are completed by two more canons of the Mother of God, also translated into Church Slavonic for the first time. These canons belong to the pen of the outstanding songwriters of the Eastern Church - the Monk and Saint John the Euchaite - and complement each other: if the canon of St. Theodora is intended to pray during various tribulations, then the canon of St. John - thanksgiving, read after deliverance from sorrow or healing from illness.

For those who wish to more clearly understand the place of the canons of the Mother of God in the structure of Orthodox public worship and domestic rule, as well as to learn the history of the Theotokos as a liturgical book, at the end of this publication there are corresponding articles by Deacon Mikhail Zheltov and A. A. Lukashevich and A. A. Turilov ...

In conclusion, we express the hope that this publication will serve not only to familiarize oneself with the treasures of Orthodox hymnography, but also become a handbook of daily prayer for all its readers, serving their spiritual growth in line with the church tradition. To all those who flow to the life-giving springs of ancient prayers, we wish quick and grace-filled help from the One to Whom they are turned.

Most Holy Theotokos, do not leave us sinners!

Holy Mother of God, save us!


Deacon Mikhail Zheltov Canons of the Mother of God

The "New Theotokos" containing various canons of the Mother of God - both those that were part of the standard Theotokos, and others (including little-known canons found in manuscripts) - was compiled and published in 1796 by St. Nicodemus Svyatogorets. "New Theotokos" of St. Nicodemus became widespread in the Greek Orthodox world and is still being reprinted. The title of the 1796 edition states that the book contains 62 canons of twenty-two songwriters; the 1995 edition contains 63 canons. The last one is the canon, "read on all Saturday evenings on the holy Mount Athos." The canons from the "New Theotokos" of St. Nicodemus is widely used in modern Greek liturgical practice.

Soon after the Theotokos entered the liturgical practice of the Greek Churches, it spread among the Slavs. In the Slavic handwritten tradition, the Theotokos has been known since the XIV century. The translation of the Theotokos was made no later than the beginning of the XIV century. on Mount Athos by the Bulgarian scribe John - "Theotokar" is mentioned in the list of texts translated or edited by John (the list of texts was recorded by his student Hieromonk Methodius in the afterword to the manuscript of Octoichus Sinait. slav. 19 / Ο .Λ. 217). The oldest surviving copy of the Theotokos, in fact a modern translation, is presented by the Bulgarian manuscript of the National Library of Russia. Q. p. 1.22, beginning. or 1st Thursday. XIV century. The book is also known in a number of paper Serbian copies of the XIV century, the oldest of which (Belgrade. University library. Collection of V. Chorovic. No. 19) dates back to the middle of the fourteenth century; other copies (Laur. Z-51, Chil. 274, 275) - in the last quarter of the XIV century.

In Russia, the Theotokos became widespread along with the second South Slavic influence in the second half of the XIV century. The oldest known Russian copy of the Theotokos (possibly related to the Ryazan lands), copying the Middle Bulgarian original, dates back to the end of the 14th - beginning of the 15th century. (RSL. Egor. No. 1). Among the early Russian copies of the Theotokos, the parchment YMZ manuscript should be noted. No. 15475, 1st third of the 15th century. Later, the Theotokos was widespread both in Russian and East Slavic, and in South Slavic lists.

5th edition, ...

Read completely

In this book, the reader is offered the collected together canons of the Mother of God, read at Compline. These canons, which are a masterpiece of Orthodox hymnography, traditionally constitute a special liturgical book - the Theotokos. In the modern Russian tradition, the Theotokos is usually fully included in the Octoichus, but has practically no liturgical use. In the Greek Churches, it is still widely used both in worship and in home prayer. The present edition, in addition to the canons of the Mother of God themselves for each day, arranged according to the voices and days of the week, includes the rites of Small Compline and General Moleben, during which these canons should be sung. The appendices also contain the Akathist and selected canons of the Mother of God on various occasions (some of them have been translated into Church Slavonic for the first time), as well as articles on the use of the canons of the Mother of God in Orthodox worship and on the history of the Theotokos as an independent book.
5th edition, revised.
Recommended for publication by the Publishing Council of the Russian Orthodox Church.


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