
Why do people cheat on each other? Psychology of cheating. What we did not know about cheating and why people cheat on each other Why a person decides to cheat

Many films and books are devoted to the topic of marital infidelity. From bored women to men seeking the ideal, these stories are as endless as life itself. What makes people cheat? Our biological nature is partly to blame, but modern technology also plays an important role.

Differences in the "happiness hormone" affect the likelihood of cheating

The neurotransmitter dopamine is released into our bloodstream when we do something pleasant, such as eating or making love. There are two different types of dopamine, and the body only produces one of them. Scientists have found that in people with a longer dopamine effect, the percentage of changes is higher (about 50%). These people are also more risk-averse and addicted.

Most mammals are polygamous

Only 3% of mammals are monogamous - and in most cases humans are in this group. It is noteworthy that most other primate species, our genetic relatives, do not stay with a mate for life, as we do.

Social networks are increasing the number of cheating

Growth in popularity social networks goes in parallel with the growth of adultery. Why? Sites like Facebook or Instagram can help people meet their former lovers again, increasing the rate of cheating and divorce.

Cuddle Hormone Levels Affect Cheating

Although the main role of the hormone vasopressin is to keep our body water and keep our blood vessels healthy, this cuddling hormone helps us build couples. People with lower vasopressin levels are more likely to cheat and have less trust in their partner.

Most spouses will cheat sooner or later

About 50% of married women and 60% of married men will sooner or later have an affair on the side. These numbers are twice as high as they were 10 years ago.

The lower your vote, the more likely your partner considers you to be a traitor.

The lower a man's voice is, the more likely a woman is to consider him a traitor. On the other hand, men are more likely to consider women with a high timbre of voice to be cheaters. This is due to the fact that the timbre of the voice depends on the level of testosterone and estrogen. However, women often find men with low voices more attractive, albeit for short-term relationships.

Cheating doesn't mean you're unhappy in your marriage.

While this is contrary to common sense, cheaters often consider their marriage to be quite happy. About 56% of men who cheated and 34% of women said they were “happy” or “very happy” in marriage.

Women change more often during ovulation

From the point of view of biology, this fact fits well with the idea of ​​the survival of the species. During ovulation, when a woman is fertile, she is more attracted to men other than her partner. The exception is women, whose partner is already incredibly sexually attractive.

Most cheaters are busy looking for a new partner during office hours.

According to dating site data, 68% of cheaters are looking for a mistress while at work. It is noteworthy that they do this on average 1.17 hours daily, which means that some people spend more than an hour of their working time looking for a secret partner.

Men and women put different meanings into the concept of "treason"

Most men treat physical cheating worse, and most women treat emotional ones. Women are more inclined to consider various antics as cheating: for example, a passionate kiss seems to be cheating on 90% of women and 75% of men, and flirting via SMS by 68% of women and 51% of men.

Fake orgasm can lead to infidelity

Both men and women who fake orgasms are more likely to cheat on their partners. (Curiously, no link has been found between orgasm rate and infidelity.) In numbers, women simulate orgasms 20% of the time, and men 5%. Remarkably, men are more likely to stay with a woman who has an orgasm every time.

Cheating causes 65% of divorces

Most marriages fall apart after infidelity. Only 35% of couples are able to survive this and stay together.

Cheating to protect the offspring

To protect their young, female chimpanzees often have multiple partners. In this case, no male can be sure whether he is the father of the cub, and will not try to kill him.

Traitors have increased sexual activity in marriage

Due to the release of hormones into the bloodstream, cheaters often become more sexually active in relation to their spouse.

Who changes more

Women under 25 cheat more often than older women. Dissatisfaction with sexual life can become the cause of betrayal.

Blondes are really more fun

The words from the song "Blondes are more fun" seem to be true. A study on a dating site found that 42% of cheaters were blonde. The rest of the hair colors of the traitors were distributed as follows: 23% red, 20% brown-haired and 11% black-haired. For men, the proportion is completely different - it changes 40% of brown-haired, 23% of black-haired, 20% of blondes and 5% of redheads.

Most of the affairs happen with coworkers.

85% of cheating starts at the workplace. This is not surprising - many hours spent in close collaboration on a project lead to the emergence of strong bonds, and sometimes love affection.

Cheaters love to shop

To look attractive to their lovers, a third of cheating women spend more money shopping. Sometimes they even have a secret credit card.

Rock music lovers are more prone to cheating.

Our musical predilections are also intertwined with our cheating tendencies. In the UK, 42% of traitors named rock and roll as their favorite genre. Listeners of rap (2%), gospel genre (3%), rhythm and blues (5%) and classical music (7%) were least inclined to cheat. Curiously, traitors in Ireland prefer country style.

Big penis is not that good

Oddly enough, men with a large penis are more likely to be cheated on by their wives. For every additional inch, a study in Kenya increased the likelihood of cheating by 150%. Painful sensations that interfere with pleasure are likely to blame.

Cheating occurs either due to the excessive need of one of the partners for self-affirmation, or due to insufficient closeness between people.

Excessive need for self-affirmation

People who cheat because they need to assert themselves can be roughly divided into two categories: those who suffer from low self-esteem, and those who thus experience their power, which seems to them unlimited.

In the first case, cheating for a person is a way to prove their own importance. In such situations, the matter is usually not limited to betrayal. Such people, due to self-doubt, try to assert themselves in other ways, or, conversely, forget themselves. Among them, there are often workaholics and those who suffer from various addictions.

In the second case, betrayal serves as another demonstration of the power that a person is endowed with. That is why influential people often cheat on their spouses. They prove to themselves that no one can refuse them.

Lack of intimacy

In a healthy relationship, partners don't go along with each other. They know how to defend their interests and maintain their own dignity.

Work on relationships

Don't take your other half for granted. Always be mindful of both your needs and hers. Relationships are not a heavy burden, but a conscious choice for each of you. If this is not the case, the personal interests of the partner will one day outweigh the value of the relationship and your closeness, then he will go to seek solace on the side.

When we start a new relationship, we are even afraid to imagine that a loved one may have another object of passion. However, according to statistics, in 20% of cases, family relationships have experienced betrayal at least once. Until now, many women and men are trying to understand why people are cheating.In fact, there can be a great many reasons, it is much more important to know how to prevent such a situation in your life.

Why People Cheat Do not rush to blame your partner!

If the situation is terrible, and your spouse has honestly confessed to you, try at this moment to control your emotions as much as possible. Better to leave somewhere for a couple of days and think calmly. Of course, the first reaction will be anger, pain, resentment, and that's okay. However, empty accusations will not help the case. Instead of suffering and torturing your soul, analyze your marriage behavior. Try to understand what mistakes you made, what your partner lacked and what offended him. Psychologists say that for the sake of entertainment, the minimum percentage of men or women goes to the left. The rest find the missing qualities in another partner or acquire a sense of harmony and even love. It is much easier to agree with the general belief that everyone is cheating on each other, and come to terms. Most likely, in this vein, your marriage will not last long if there is no financial dependence of partners.

Why do people cheat on each other? Physical attraction

The most powerful of all known human feelings is the desire to possess a member of the opposite sex sexually. No matter how hard we try to completely master the mind over instincts, but a person is essentially polygamous, therefore he feels physical attraction to many objects on his way. Often men who have been married for more than 10 years face a similar problem. Often, after marriage, a woman ceases to take care of herself, devotes all her strength to creating comfort in the house and raising children, completely forgetting about her beloved husband. Unfortunately, this is one of the most common mistakes. Remember: you must never forget about your appearance... And if you want to keep a passionate relationship in your marriage, you need to make every effort to add variety to your intimate life. Another reason is considered to be prolonged abstinence, it is especially difficult to cope with such a test for the male part of the population, so you should not let your spouse go on long business trips alone.

Why do people cheat on each other? Emotional factor

As a rule, ladies decide on such a serious step due to emotional hunger. If for compliments, she is constantly busy with work, and spends her free time with friends, then the woman does not feel her relevance. On a subconscious level, she begins to look for a person who will fill the gap formed among the closest environment. And then the guy is disappointed in love and in life, after all, with a friend. Summing up the above, I would like to note that a relationship is a lot of work on oneself, because you need to be able to give in, show attention and care, even when you absolutely do not want to do this. Love sincerely and with all your soul, then everything will work out for you!

Why do people cheat on each other
What prompts people to change their partner? We're all pretty sure we know the answer to this question. But no! As Tolstoy said, all unhappy families are not alike, i.e. the reasons for betrayal are purely individual for each couple. Is there then an opportunity to help such a relationship? Imagine - yes. We tried to understand this eternal topic and collected several opinions. I think it will be not only interesting, but also useful. After all, they do not repudiate not only the bag and prison ... there is also a third thing that they do not talk about - from treason.

Here is what they write about it in the magazine MEN’s LIFE:

Canadian experts are interested in why people cheat on each other, and what personal traits and characteristics of relationships influence the propensity to marital infidelity.

As shown by a survey of 918 heterosexual men and women in monogamous relationships, 23% of husbands and 19% of wives cheated on their partners. For purposes of the study, cheating was defined as having a sexual relationship with another person that can seriously damage the current union.

The main reason for female infidelity is dissatisfaction with the quality of relations with a partner. Women who are unhappy in their marriage are 2.6 times more likely to cheat than those who have no complaints about relationships. Also, sexual dissatisfaction leads to the search for adventures on the side: the risk of cheating in this case is increased by 2.9 times.

Scientists were surprised to find that self-doubt in bed pushes many men into treason. “If a man makes love to a woman he may never see again, he will have no problem with offended pride. Or, in order to properly arouse and be at his best, a man constantly needs new experiences and new partners, ”the researchers explain.

More often they cheat on partners, those who do not care about the consequences of their sexual behavior, as well as easily excitable people. However, this does not mean that they will certainly be unfaithful in marriage. Scientists believe that one of the best ways to avoid cheating is frankness between partners, as well as a willingness to openly discuss their problems and needs.

Petersburg newspaper "Fontanka" also did not pass by:


Representatives of the stronger sex admit that they are looking for connections on the side, mainly because of dissatisfaction with family sexual relations. The reason for going “to the left” is most often the desire for new impressions and sensations. Unfaithful husbands justify their desire to taste "strawberries" by physiological and psychological characteristics inherent in the stronger sex: "I'm a man, a male!", "Everyone does this, I'm no exception." It's no secret that men are attracted to everything "new". They are so arranged, because their natural task is to fertilize, to place their genes. Therefore, the new woman excites them more than the old one.

By the way, representatives of the stronger sex perceive the fact of infidelity much more painfully than women. This is because each of them wants to be sure that he provides and protects his own offspring. This instinct is genetically fixed in men. In nature, the same thing happens: males do not favor strangers, drive them out of their territory, do not allow them to approach their females.

The famous sexologist, psychotherapist, candidate of medical sciences Alexander Poleev divides men who enter into extramarital affairs into three groups.
Representatives of the first group have cupids 2-3 times a year. The novels are relatively short-lived, from two to five months. The man carefully conspires, hides his affair from his wife. And if it does reveal itself, it is not his fault. After the end of the novel, the spouse remains faithful to his second half for a long time. However, he remains on friendly terms with his former partner in "shuram-muras".

Representatives of the second group do not have long-term romances. They are content with one-time sexual contacts that happen on business trips, at parties, corporate parties, on vacation - wherever a favorable environment develops. The wife almost never learns about her husband's “cute pranks”, unless he inadvertently reveals himself.

Finally, the third group unites the most vicious cheaters. They have affairs on the side throughout their lives - from the first years of marriage to the end. They never openly tell their wife about it, but they are not particularly conspiratorial either. The duration of their novels is very different: with someone they meet for a couple of weeks, with someone for a year, with someone for three. It is characteristic that they have practically no breaks between successive connections: as soon as one ends, another soon begins.

By the way, an interesting detail. Partners of inveterate cheaters do not correspond to their social status on the contrary, they are always below them on the social ladder - they are saleswomen in a stall, couriers. (Whereas in ordinary novels, men choose their partners from approximately the same social circle).

Another characteristic nuance. In this relationship there is no emotional uplift, passion, love. It's just a sexual relationship that is purely carnal in nature. A man does not have a desire to spend a lot of time with his partner, for example, to go on vacation with her, on weekends, to go to the theater, etc. He does not even always spend the night with her. Here, relationships are built according to a different scheme: you came, enjoyed and left. By the way, this connection is most often broken by the mistress, who is dissatisfied with the superficial consumer nature of the relationship.

Malicious cheaters are latent sadists. They will never tell their wife directly that they have another woman. But in other ways they inform her about it: they carefully look after themselves, dress well, sometimes they bring home some presents from their mistress and say that they were "presented at work." In words, they in every possible way deny their infidelity. But on a non-verbal level, they make it clear to the wife what is really going on. At the same time, they are caring husbands, provide for the family with dignity, and pay attention to the child.


The fairer sex is driven, first of all, by dissatisfaction with the family situation, conflicts, and inattention of the spouse. They are pushed to betrayal by rudeness, indifference, disrespect on the part of their husbands and, as a result, a desire to take revenge: “I paid him back in the same coin”, “She avenged him for his jealousy, endless accusations and suspicions”.

Women have another motive, and it appears more often than men. Often they cheat because they met a new love that captured them so much that they lost their heads. In men, this motive is less common.

It is in every woman that she must be seductive, arouse representatives of the opposite sex (after all, her genetic task is to give birth, to continue the race). If the husband stopped complimenting his wife, then she “withers” and begins to doubt her attractiveness, sex appeal and feminine irresistibility. This leads to the fact that she begins to look for confirmation of this on the side. Cheating on women is always a sign of despair.

Women need compliments, attention, each of them wants to feel not only a wife and mother, but, first of all, a Queen - desired, dizzying. Thus, she is looking not so much for new relationships (which is typical for men), but for better ones.

Men’s Health magazine surveyed 700 women and named the main reasons why they changed:
1. Evgeniya, 28 years old: "I felt stupid and lonely"

It all started like in a fairy tale, and in this fairy tale I was a princess. But over time, my young man was less and less interested in me, and now he no longer even asks how my day went. He stopped wanting me. One evening, I needed to feel so desired that I put on transparent underwear, although I had never done so before. But he just casually brushed aside - they say, you need to write a couple of letters on work, not before.

A few months later, my mother was admitted to the hospital with a very bad diagnosis. I sat on the couch and cried, and instead of hugging me, he said dryly: "Damn, no luck." This, of course, is so - but, to be honest, greetings from the Captain Obvious at this moment was the last thing I needed.

The next day I went to visit my mother - she lives in St. Petersburg, I am in Moscow. My ex learned about my arrival. He called, patiently listened to my complaints, sympathized and agreed - in a word, he did everything that my boyfriend had to do. We met and chatted for several hours, at some point he took my hand ... Sex was so-so. It was as if I was watching a replay of yesterday's program on TV. But, at least, I again felt what it was like to be not indifferent to someone. It felt good.

I don't regret what I did. Like most women, I connect with a person when I feel an emotional connection with him. I needed support, I hardly had control of myself, my boyfriend did not help me, so I got help elsewhere. Then, however, it was a little nervous: the former wrote SMS, I hid the phone from the current one. Since then, we have never seen my ex, but I broke up with the current (or, rather, the last ex) a few months later. Well, how long can you wave your hands, demanding to be paid attention to?

2. Olya, 27 years old: "He worked all the time"

I needed to talk to him. “I'm free at 9 pm on Sunday,” Lesha told me. Here's the problem: he's a workaholic. I went to bed alone every night. And when we did spend time together, we discussed business more than relationships - we worked in the same area, and it was not a conversation between lovers, but two tired colleagues. Do you think I wanted sex after that? Just like you did after the morning meeting.

One evening, when Lesha was on a business trip, friends took me to a bar. There was a guy named Nikita in the company. He did not care either about my work or his own - he was interested, roughly speaking, only in my boobs. I even got scared at how much it turned me on. Friends had already left, and we were all sitting. It was so great to feel wanted! And we went to Nikita. When we went outside early in the morning, he tried to take my hand. I pushed him away - I was afraid that we would meet someone from my acquaintances. I was looking for a reason to quickly part with Nikita. And suddenly I realized that I needed to disagree with Lesha.

Several weeks passed until I started a conversation with him on this topic. It did not touch him - he was busy with business again. I left without realizing whether it somehow excited him or it just became easier for him. But now, at least, nothing prevents him from surrendering to his true love - work. And I need something else.

And now the revelations of men:


A potential wife is a person without whom it is impossible to imagine your future life, the mother of your children, etc. A lover is a person to whom you feel sympathy, sexual attraction, but you categorically exclude the prospect of a life together. Dot.


In a mistress they are looking for something that is no longer with his wife - this, in my opinion, will not be disputed by anyone. And exactly the same with the fair half. But who exactly is lacking in a spouse is individual. If you are wondering if other men and women have the same condition, the answer will be yes in many cases.


There is a good saying: a husband does not walk from a good wife ... and if this happens, then it means that once the most expensive relationship has lost its "charisma" and lost its meaning .. and what to pull this boodyagu and torment himself and torment others? There are a lot of cases when a former mistress turns out to be in fact a good wife and a truly close person, from whom you don't even want to walk. There are other stories when the mistress is actually not such a good woman, and the husband returns to his wife, rethinking a lot.

There are stories when that same true love comes, albeit late, but it comes, someone realizes this and finds the strength to change their life 360 ​​degrees, and someone just knocks from his wife to his mistress and back, with everyone the ensuing consequences ... and then there is really nothing to remember - just "fuss" back and forth ....

And about betrayal in general: so this is someone like - someone can live with a person, knowing, or feeling falsity, "unnaturalness" of the once most expensive relationship, and someone breaks up and begins to live differently, let it be painful and difficult, not wanting to waste .... So everyone has their own reasons and one size fits all rowing is not worth it.


As I understand it, the main reason for having a mistress is the NEED FOR DISCHARGE, RELEASE OF STEAM, etc. But you can get the same relaxation through sports, hobbies, travel. I cannot understand the physiological need to go to the left if you have the same thing at hand (in terms of physiology). If the wife abstracted herself, became a stranger and this is an irreversible process - a divorce and a maiden name, and you can worry about children at a distance (I never considered a child a reason why divorce is not possible)

And once again about the most common mistakes:


British scientists who care about everything in the world have come to the conclusion that women cheat more often than men. Why is it usually considered the other way around? There are several reasons for this:

1. Women are much more sensitive to family ties, their reputation as a "good wife and mother."
2. Beautiful ladies are in no hurry to risk their wealth.
3. The weaker sex is subconsciously afraid to provoke the anger of a partner.
4. Fear of physical violence.
5. Women are not used to boasting about their sexual victories in public.

All this makes them much more cautious and sophisticated both in the betrayal themselves and in hiding the unsightly truth. A lady, driven into a corner by iron evidence of adultery, will still stand to the last in attempts to convince her partner of eternal devotion to him.


1. Banal boredom. Many women admit that having a happy relationship without a spark makes them feel dead. And rare betrayal and fear of exposure warm up the cooled sensuality and passion for life. After the "hike to the left" family life seems more attractive.

2. Coldness of the spouse after the birth of children. What desire can we talk about when a man begins to perceive his partner exclusively as "the mother of his children"? So the beautiful lady on the side has to raise her own self-esteem.

3. Cheating spouse or strong suspicions of infidelity. In such a situation, the fair sex simply takes revenge or takes revenge "just in case."

4. Unsatisfied sexual fantasies. There is often a bias in both sexes that various sexual pranks are best practiced on the side, and not in the conjugal bed. Otherwise, the spouse will start to wonder why his partner suddenly wanted to change the usual scenario of intimate relationships.

5. Sudden love. Yes, sometimes women lose their heads from this feeling, even after having lived more than 10 years in marriage. In this case, betrayal is rarely a secret, since all caution is lost. A latent desire settles in the subconscious for everything to open and the longed-for freedom to be found.


The overwhelming majority of psychologists, sex therapists and other involved scientists consider the main reason for betrayal of men to be banal ... "the coincidence of desire and opportunity." The rest of the psychological factors are far behind. Most men cheat, not because they are in love or want to try something supernatural, not because their wife is ugly, but at work, but because two factors come together: desire and opportunity.

The stronger sex is much more often caught on infidelity for several reasons:
• arrogance, because of which fleeting success is dizzy and makes you forget about elementary caution;
· Shortsightedness, leading to the detection of constant deception;
• careless attitude to reputation;
· Desire to boast of "victories over the fair sex".

At the same time, the other side is often to blame for male infidelities. Even the most beautiful, fit, sexy and skillful wife is boring for several years of relationship. This self-evident fact has been replicated in all women's magazines, but few of the girls take it into account. There is a simple solution: regularly work on yourself in order to always remain an "unfinished book". Few people follow this path.

Men are conquerors. They want outbursts of passion, violent resistance and complete conquest for a short period of time ... Representatives of the stronger sex are not ready for constant discussions about problems in a children's clinic, difficulties with epilation and masks on the wife's face from food leftovers.

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